
polars.concat_arr(exprs: IntoExpr | Iterable[IntoExpr], *more_exprs: IntoExpr) Expr[source]#

Horizontally concatenate columns into a single array column.

Non-array columns are reshaped to a unit-width array. All columns must have a dtype of either pl.Array(<DataType>, width) or pl.<DataType>.


This functionality is considered unstable. It may be changed at any point without it being considered a breaking change.


Columns to concatenate into a single array column. Accepts expression input. Strings are parsed as column names, other non-expression inputs are parsed as literals.


Additional columns to concatenate into a single array column, specified as positional arguments.


Concatenate 2 array columns:

>>> (
...     pl.select(
...         a=pl.Series([[1], [3], None], dtype=pl.Array(pl.Int64, 1)),
...         b=pl.Series([[3], [None], [5]], dtype=pl.Array(pl.Int64, 1)),
...     ).with_columns(
...         pl.concat_arr("a", "b").alias("concat_arr(a, b)"),
...         pl.concat_arr("a", pl.first("b")).alias("concat_arr(a, first(b))"),
...     )
... )
shape: (3, 4)
│ a             ┆ b             ┆ concat_arr(a, b) ┆ concat_arr(a, first(b)) │
│ ---           ┆ ---           ┆ ---              ┆ ---                     │
│ array[i64, 1] ┆ array[i64, 1] ┆ array[i64, 2]    ┆ array[i64, 2]           │
│ [1]           ┆ [3]           ┆ [1, 3]           ┆ [1, 3]                  │
│ [3]           ┆ [null]        ┆ [3, null]        ┆ [3, 3]                  │
│ null          ┆ [5]           ┆ null             ┆ null                    │

Concatenate non-array columns:

>>> (
...     pl.select(
...         c=pl.Series([None, 5, 6], dtype=pl.Int64),
...     )
...     .with_columns(d=pl.col("c").reverse())
...     .with_columns(
...         pl.concat_arr("c", "d").alias("concat_arr(c, d)"),
...     )
... )
shape: (3, 3)
│ c    ┆ d    ┆ concat_arr(c, d) │
│ ---  ┆ ---  ┆ ---              │
│ i64  ┆ i64  ┆ array[i64, 2]    │
│ null ┆ 6    ┆ [null, 6]        │
│ 5    ┆ 5    ┆ [5, 5]           │
│ 6    ┆ null ┆ [6, null]        │

Concatenate mixed array and non-array columns:

>>> (
...     pl.select(
...         a=pl.Series([[1], [3], None], dtype=pl.Array(pl.Int64, 1)),
...         b=pl.Series([[3], [None], [5]], dtype=pl.Array(pl.Int64, 1)),
...         c=pl.Series([None, 5, 6], dtype=pl.Int64),
...     ).with_columns(
...         pl.concat_arr("a", "b", "c").alias("concat_arr(a, b, c)"),
...     )
... )
shape: (3, 4)
│ a             ┆ b             ┆ c    ┆ concat_arr(a, b, c) │
│ ---           ┆ ---           ┆ ---  ┆ ---                 │
│ array[i64, 1] ┆ array[i64, 1] ┆ i64  ┆ array[i64, 3]       │
│ [1]           ┆ [3]           ┆ null ┆ [1, 3, null]        │
│ [3]           ┆ [null]        ┆ 5    ┆ [3, null, 5]        │
│ null          ┆ [5]           ┆ 6    ┆ null                │

Unit-length columns are broadcasted:

>>> (
...     pl.select(
...         a=pl.Series([1, 3, None]),
...     ).with_columns(
...         pl.concat_arr("a", pl.lit(0, dtype=pl.Int64)).alias("concat_arr(a, 0)"),
...         pl.concat_arr("a", pl.sum("a")).alias("concat_arr(a, sum(a))"),
...         pl.concat_arr("a", pl.max("a")).alias("concat_arr(a, max(a))"),
...     )
... )
shape: (3, 4)
│ a    ┆ concat_arr(a, 0) ┆ concat_arr(a, sum(a)) ┆ concat_arr(a, max(a)) │
│ ---  ┆ ---              ┆ ---                   ┆ ---                   │
│ i64  ┆ array[i64, 2]    ┆ array[i64, 2]         ┆ array[i64, 2]         │
│ 1    ┆ [1, 0]           ┆ [1, 4]                ┆ [1, 3]                │
│ 3    ┆ [3, 0]           ┆ [3, 4]                ┆ [3, 3]                │
│ null ┆ [null, 0]        ┆ [null, 4]             ┆ [null, 3]             │