
return_type: JaxExportType = 'array',
device: jax.Device | str | None = None,
label: str | Expr | Sequence[str | Expr] | None = None,
features: str | Expr | Sequence[str | Expr] | None = None,
dtype: PolarsDataType | None = None,
order: IndexOrder = 'fortran',
) jax.Array | dict[str, jax.Array][source]#

Convert DataFrame to a Jax Array, or dict of Jax Arrays.

Added in version 0.20.27.


This functionality is currently considered unstable. It may be changed at any point without it being considered a breaking change.

return_type{“array”, “dict”}

Set return type; a Jax Array, or dict of Jax Arrays.


Specify the jax Device on which the array will be created; can provide a string (such as “cpu”, “gpu”, or “tpu”) in which case the device is retrieved as jax.devices(string)[0]. For more specific control you can supply the instantiated Device directly. If None, arrays are created on the default device.


One or more column names, expressions, or selectors that label the feature data; results in a {"label": ..., "features": ...} dict being returned when return_type is “dict” instead of a {"col": array, } dict.


One or more column names, expressions, or selectors that contain the feature data; if omitted, all columns that are not designated as part of the label are used. Only applies when return_type is “dict”.


Unify the dtype of all returned arrays; this casts any column that is not already of the required dtype before converting to Array. Note that export will be single-precision (32bit) unless the Jax config/environment directs otherwise (eg: “jax_enable_x64” was set True in the config object at startup, or “JAX_ENABLE_X64” is set to “1” in the environment).

order{“c”, “fortran”}

The index order of the returned Jax array, either C-like (row-major) or Fortran-like (column-major).


>>> df = pl.DataFrame(
...     {
...         "lbl": [0, 1, 2, 3],
...         "feat1": [1, 0, 0, 1],
...         "feat2": [1.5, -0.5, 0.0, -2.25],
...     }
... )

Standard return type (2D Array), on the standard device:

>>> df.to_jax()
Array([[ 0.  ,  1.  ,  1.5 ],
       [ 1.  ,  0.  , -0.5 ],
       [ 2.  ,  0.  ,  0.  ],
       [ 3.  ,  1.  , -2.25]], dtype=float32)

Create the Array on the default GPU device:

>>> a = df.to_jax(device="gpu")  
>>> a.device()  
GpuDevice(id=0, process_index=0)

Create the Array on a specific GPU device:

>>> gpu_device = jax.devices("gpu")[1])  
>>> a = df.to_jax(device=gpu_device)  
>>> a.device()  
GpuDevice(id=1, process_index=0)

As a dictionary of individual Arrays:

>>> df.to_jax("dict")
{'lbl': Array([0, 1, 2, 3], dtype=int32),
 'feat1': Array([1, 0, 0, 1], dtype=int32),
 'feat2': Array([ 1.5 , -0.5 ,  0.  , -2.25], dtype=float32)}

As a “label” and “features” dictionary; note that as “features” is not declared, it defaults to all the columns that are not in “label”:

>>> df.to_jax("dict", label="lbl")
{'label': Array([[0],
        [3]], dtype=int32),
 'features': Array([[ 1.  ,  1.5 ],
        [ 0.  , -0.5 ],
        [ 0.  ,  0.  ],
        [ 1.  , -2.25]], dtype=float32)}

As a “label” and “features” dictionary where each is designated using a col or selector expression (which can also be used to cast the data if the label and features are better-represented with different dtypes):

>>> import polars.selectors as cs
>>> df.to_jax(
...     return_type="dict",
...     features=cs.float(),
...     label=pl.col("lbl").cast(pl.UInt8),
... )
{'label': Array([[0],
        [3]], dtype=uint8),
 'features': Array([[ 1.5 ],
        [-0.5 ],
        [ 0.  ],
        [-2.25]], dtype=float32)}