
polars.concat_list(exprs: IntoExpr | Iterable[IntoExpr], *more_exprs: IntoExpr) Expr[source]#

Horizontally concatenate columns into a single list column.

Operates in linear time.


Columns to concatenate into a single list column. Accepts expression input. Strings are parsed as column names, other non-expression inputs are parsed as literals.


Additional columns to concatenate into a single list column, specified as positional arguments.


Concatenate two existing list columns. Null values are propagated.

>>> df = pl.DataFrame({"a": [[1, 2], [3], [4, 5]], "b": [[4], [], None]})
>>> df.with_columns(concat_list=pl.concat_list("a", "b"))
shape: (3, 3)
│ a         ┆ b         ┆ concat_list │
│ ---       ┆ ---       ┆ ---         │
│ list[i64] ┆ list[i64] ┆ list[i64]   │
│ [1, 2]    ┆ [4]       ┆ [1, 2, 4]   │
│ [3]       ┆ []        ┆ [3]         │
│ [4, 5]    ┆ null      ┆ null        │

Non-list columns are cast to a list before concatenation. The output data type is the supertype of the concatenated columns.

>>> df.select("a", concat_list=pl.concat_list("a", pl.lit("x")))
shape: (3, 2)
│ a         ┆ concat_list     │
│ ---       ┆ ---             │
│ list[i64] ┆ list[str]       │
│ [1, 2]    ┆ ["1", "2", "x"] │
│ [3]       ┆ ["3", "x"]      │
│ [4, 5]    ┆ ["4", "5", "x"] │

Create lagged columns and collect them into a list. This mimics a rolling window.

>>> df = pl.DataFrame({"A": [1.0, 2.0, 9.0, 2.0, 13.0]})
>>> df = df.select([pl.col("A").shift(i).alias(f"A_lag_{i}") for i in range(3)])
>>> df.select(
...     pl.concat_list([f"A_lag_{i}" for i in range(3)][::-1]).alias("A_rolling")
... )
shape: (5, 1)
│ A_rolling         │
│ ---               │
│ list[f64]         │
│ [null, null, 1.0] │
│ [null, 1.0, 2.0]  │
│ [1.0, 2.0, 9.0]   │
│ [2.0, 9.0, 2.0]   │
│ [9.0, 2.0, 13.0]  │