
source: str | Path | IO[bytes] | bytes,
columns: list[int] | list[str] | None = None,
n_rows: int | None = None,
use_pyarrow: bool = False,
memory_map: bool = True,
storage_options: dict[str, Any] | None = None,
row_index_name: str | None = None,
row_index_offset: int = 0,
rechunk: bool = True,
) DataFrame[source]#

Read into a DataFrame from Arrow IPC (Feather v2) file.

See “File or Random Access format” on https://arrow.apache.org/docs/python/ipc.html. Arrow IPC files are also known as Feather (v2) files.


Path to a file or a file-like object (by “file-like object” we refer to objects that have a read() method, such as a file handler like the builtin open function, or a BytesIO instance). If fsspec is installed, it will be used to open remote files. For file-like objects, the stream position may not be updated accordingly after reading.


Columns to select. Accepts a list of column indices (starting at zero) or a list of column names.


Stop reading from IPC file after reading n_rows. Only valid when use_pyarrow=False.


Use pyarrow or the native Rust reader.


Try to memory map the file. This can greatly improve performance on repeated queries as the OS may cache pages. Only uncompressed IPC files can be memory mapped.


Extra options that make sense for fsspec.open() or a particular storage connection, e.g. host, port, username, password, etc.


Insert a row index column with the given name into the DataFrame as the first column. If set to None (default), no row index column is created.


Start the row index at this offset. Cannot be negative. Only used if row_index_name is set.


Make sure that all data is contiguous.



Calling read_ipc().lazy() is an antipattern as this forces Polars to materialize a full csv file and therefore cannot push any optimizations into the reader. Therefore always prefer scan_ipc if you want to work with LazyFrame s.

If memory_map is set, the bytes on disk are mapped 1:1 to memory. That means that you cannot write to the same filename. E.g. pl.read_ipc("my_file.arrow").write_ipc("my_file.arrow") will fail.

See also


Lazily read from an IPC file or multiple files via glob patterns.