

Cache the result once the execution of the physical plan hits this node.

LazyFrame.collect(*[, type_coercion, ...])

Materialize this LazyFrame into a DataFrame.

LazyFrame.collect_async(*[, gevent, ...])

Collect DataFrame asynchronously in thread pool.


Resolve the schema of this LazyFrame.


Return lazy representation, i.e. itself.

LazyFrame.map_batches(function, *[, ...])

Apply a custom function.

LazyFrame.pipe(function, *args, **kwargs)

Offers a structured way to apply a sequence of user-defined functions (UDFs).

LazyFrame.profile(*[, type_coercion, ...])

Profile a LazyFrame.

LazyFrame.remote([context, plan_type])

Run a query remotely on Polars Cloud.


LazyFrame.deserialize(source, *[, format])

Read a logical plan from a file to construct a LazyFrame.

LazyFrame.serialize([file, format])

Serialize the logical plan of this LazyFrame to a file or string in JSON format.