
These functions are available from the Polars module root and can be used as expressions, and sometimes also in eager contexts.

Available in module namespace:

all(*names[, ignore_nulls])

Either return an expression representing all columns, or evaluate a bitwise AND operation.


Compute the bitwise AND horizontally across columns.

any(*names[, ignore_nulls])

Evaluate a bitwise OR operation.


Compute the bitwise OR horizontally across columns.


Approximate count of unique values.

arange([start, end, step, dtype, eager])

Generate a range of integers.

arctan2(y, x)

Compute two argument arctan in radians.

arctan2d(y, x)

Compute two argument arctan in degrees.

arg_sort_by(exprs, *more_exprs[, ...])

Return the row indices that would sort the column(s).

arg_where(condition, *[, eager])

Return indices where condition evaluates True.

business_day_count(start, end[, week_mask, ...])

Count the number of business days between start and end (not including end).

coalesce(exprs, *more_exprs)

Folds the columns from left to right, keeping the first non-null value.

concat_arr(exprs, *more_exprs)

Horizontally concatenate columns into a single array column.

concat_list(exprs, *more_exprs)

Horizontally concatenate columns into a single list column.

concat_str(exprs, *more_exprs[, separator, ...])

Horizontally concatenate columns into a single string column.

corr(a, b, *[, method, ddof, propagate_nans])

Compute the Pearson's or Spearman rank correlation between two columns.


Return the number of non-null values in the column.

cov(a, b[, ddof])

Compute the covariance between two columns/ expressions.

cum_count(*columns[, reverse])

Return the cumulative count of the non-null values in the column.

cum_fold(acc, function, exprs, *[, include_init])

Cumulatively fold horizontally across columns with a left fold.

cum_reduce(function, exprs)

Cumulatively reduce horizontally across columns with a left fold.


Cumulatively sum all values.


Cumulatively sum all values horizontally across columns.

date(year, month, day)

Create a Polars literal expression of type Date.

date_range(start, end[, interval, closed, eager])

Generate a date range.

date_ranges(start, end[, interval, closed, ...])

Create a column of date ranges.

datetime(year, month, day[, hour, minute, ...])

Create a Polars literal expression of type Datetime.

datetime_range(start, end[, interval, ...])

Generate a datetime range.

datetime_ranges(start, end[, interval, ...])

Create a column of datetime ranges.

duration(*[, weeks, days, hours, minutes, ...])

Create polars Duration from distinct time components.


Alias for an element being evaluated in an eval expression.

exclude(columns, *more_columns)

Represent all columns except for the given columns.


Get the first column or value.

fold(acc, function, exprs)

Accumulate over multiple columns horizontally/ row wise with a left fold.

format(f_string, *args)

Format expressions as a string.

from_epoch(column[, time_unit])

Utility function that parses an epoch timestamp (or Unix time) to Polars Date(time).


Syntactic sugar for pl.col("foo").agg_groups().

head(column[, n])

Get the first n rows.


Aggregate all column values into a list.

int_range([start, end, step, dtype, eager])

Generate a range of integers.

int_ranges([start, end, step, dtype, eager])

Generate a range of integers for each row of the input columns.


Get the last column or value.


Return the number of rows in the context.

linear_space(start, end, num_samples, *[, ...])

Create sequence of evenly-spaced points.

linear_spaces(start, end, num_samples, *[, ...])

Generate a sequence of evenly-spaced values for each row between start and end.

lit(value[, dtype, allow_object])

Return an expression representing a literal value.

map_batches(exprs, function[, return_dtype])

Map a custom function over multiple columns/expressions.

map_groups(exprs, function[, return_dtype, ...])

Apply a custom/user-defined function (UDF) in a GroupBy context.


Get the maximum value.


Get the maximum value horizontally across columns.


Get the mean value.

mean_horizontal(*exprs[, ignore_nulls])

Compute the mean of all values horizontally across columns.


Get the median value.


Get the minimum value.


Get the minimum value horizontally across columns.


Count unique values.


Get the nth column(s) of the context.

ones(n[, dtype, eager])

Construct a column of length n filled with ones.

quantile(column, quantile[, interpolation])

Syntactic sugar for pl.col("foo").quantile(..).

reduce(function, exprs)

Accumulate over multiple columns horizontally/ row wise with a left fold.

repeat(value, n, *[, dtype, eager])

Construct a column of length n filled with the given value.

rolling_corr(a, b, *, window_size[, ...])

Compute the rolling correlation between two columns/ expressions.

rolling_cov(a, b, *, window_size[, ...])

Compute the rolling covariance between two columns/ expressions.

select(*exprs[, eager])

Run polars expressions without a context.

sql(query, *[, eager])

Execute a SQL query against frames in the global namespace.


Parse one or more SQL expressions to Polars expression(s).

std(column[, ddof])

Get the standard deviation.

struct(*exprs[, schema, eager])

Collect columns into a struct column.


Sum all values.

sum_horizontal(*exprs[, ignore_nulls])

Sum all values horizontally across columns.

tail(column[, n])

Get the last n rows.

time([hour, minute, second, microsecond])

Create a Polars literal expression of type Time.

time_range([start, end, interval, closed, eager])

Generate a time range.

time_ranges([start, end, interval, closed, ...])

Create a column of time ranges.

var(column[, ddof])

Get the variance.

when(*predicates, **constraints)

Start a when-then-otherwise expression.

zeros(n[, dtype, eager])

Construct a column of length n filled with zeros.

Available in expression namespace:

Expr.all(*[, ignore_nulls])

Return whether all values in the column are True.

Expr.any(*[, ignore_nulls])

Return whether any of the values in the column are True.


Approximate count of unique values.


Return the number of non-null elements in the column.


Get the first value.


Get the first n rows.


Aggregate values into a list.

Expr.map_batches(function[, return_dtype, ...])

Apply a custom python function to a whole Series or sequence of Series.

Expr.map_elements(function[, return_dtype, ...])

Map a custom/user-defined function (UDF) to each element of a column.


Get maximum value.


Get mean value.


Get median value using linear interpolation.


Get minimum value.


Count unique values.

Expr.quantile(quantile[, interpolation])

Get quantile value.


Get standard deviation.


Get sum value.


Get the last n rows.


Get variance.