

Get part of the DataFrame as a new DataFrame, Series, or scalar.

DataFrame.bottom_k(k, *, by[, reverse])

Return the k smallest rows.

DataFrame.cast(dtypes, *[, strict])

Cast DataFrame column(s) to the specified dtype(s).


Create an empty (n=0) or n-row null-filled (n>0) copy of the DataFrame.


Create a copy of this DataFrame.

DataFrame.drop(*columns[, strict])

Remove columns from the dataframe.


Drop a single column in-place and return the dropped column.


Drop all rows that contain one or more NaN values.


Drop all rows that contain null values.

DataFrame.explode(columns, *more_columns)

Explode the dataframe to long format by exploding the given columns.


Extend the memory backed by this DataFrame with the values from other.


Fill floating point NaN values by an Expression evaluation.

DataFrame.fill_null([value, strategy, ...])

Fill null values using the specified value or strategy.

DataFrame.filter(*predicates, **constraints)

Filter rows, retaining those that match the given predicate expression(s).

DataFrame.gather_every(n[, offset])

Take every nth row in the DataFrame and return as a new DataFrame.

DataFrame.get_column(name, *[, default])

Get a single column by name.


Find the index of a column by name.


Get the DataFrame as a List of Series.

DataFrame.group_by(*by[, maintain_order])

Start a group by operation.

DataFrame.group_by_dynamic(index_column, *, ...)

Group based on a time value (or index value of type Int32, Int64).


Get the first n rows.

DataFrame.hstack(columns, *[, in_place])

Return a new DataFrame grown horizontally by stacking multiple Series to it.

DataFrame.insert_column(index, column)

Insert a Series at a certain column index.


Interpolate intermediate values.

DataFrame.item([row, column])

Return the DataFrame as a scalar, or return the element at the given row/column.


Returns an iterator over the columns of this DataFrame.

DataFrame.iter_rows(*[, named, buffer_size])

Returns an iterator over the DataFrame of rows of python-native values.


Returns a non-copying iterator of slices over the underlying DataFrame.

DataFrame.join(other[, on, how, left_on, ...])

Join in SQL-like fashion.

DataFrame.join_asof(other, *[, left_on, ...])

Perform an asof join.

DataFrame.join_where(other, *predicates[, ...])

Perform a join based on one or multiple (in)equality predicates.


Get the first n rows.

DataFrame.melt([id_vars, value_vars, ...])

Unpivot a DataFrame from wide to long format.

DataFrame.merge_sorted(other, key)

Take two sorted DataFrames and merge them by the sorted key.

DataFrame.partition_by(by, *more_by[, ...])

Group by the given columns and return the groups as separate dataframes.

DataFrame.pipe(function, *args, **kwargs)

Offers a structured way to apply a sequence of user-defined functions (UDFs).

DataFrame.pivot(on, *[, index, values, ...])

Create a spreadsheet-style pivot table as a DataFrame.


Rechunk the data in this DataFrame to a contiguous allocation.

DataFrame.remove(*predicates, **constraints)

Remove rows, dropping those that match the given predicate expression(s).

DataFrame.rename(mapping, *[, strict])

Rename column names.

DataFrame.replace_column(index, column)

Replace a column at an index location.


Reverse the DataFrame.

DataFrame.rolling(index_column, *, period[, ...])

Create rolling groups based on a temporal or integer column.

DataFrame.row([index, by_predicate, named])

Get the values of a single row, either by index or by predicate.

DataFrame.rows(*[, named])

Returns all data in the DataFrame as a list of rows of python-native values.

DataFrame.rows_by_key(key, *[, named, ...])

Returns all data as a dictionary of python-native values keyed by some column.

DataFrame.sample([n, fraction, ...])

Sample from this DataFrame.*exprs, **named_exprs)

Select columns from this DataFrame.

DataFrame.select_seq(*exprs, **named_exprs)

Select columns from this DataFrame.

DataFrame.set_sorted(column, *[, descending])

Flag a column as sorted.

DataFrame.shift([n, fill_value])

Shift values by the given number of indices.

DataFrame.shrink_to_fit(*[, in_place])

Shrink DataFrame memory usage.

DataFrame.slice(offset[, length])

Get a slice of this DataFrame.

DataFrame.sort(by, *more_by[, descending, ...])

Sort the dataframe by the given columns.

DataFrame.sql(query, *[, table_name])

Execute a SQL query against the DataFrame.


Get the last n rows.

DataFrame.to_dummies([columns, separator, ...])

Convert categorical variables into dummy/indicator variables.


Select column as Series at index location.

DataFrame.top_k(k, *, by[, reverse])

Return the k largest rows.

DataFrame.transpose(*[, include_header, ...])

Transpose a DataFrame over the diagonal.

DataFrame.unique([subset, keep, maintain_order])

Drop duplicate rows from this dataframe.

DataFrame.unnest(columns, *more_columns)

Decompose struct columns into separate columns for each of their fields.

DataFrame.unpivot([on, index, ...])

Unpivot a DataFrame from wide to long format.

DataFrame.unstack(*, step[, how, columns, ...])

Unstack a long table to a wide form without doing an aggregation.

DataFrame.update(other[, on, how, left_on, ...])

Update the values in this DataFrame with the values in other.

DataFrame.upsample(time_column, *, every[, ...])

Upsample a DataFrame at a regular frequency.

DataFrame.vstack(other, *[, in_place])

Grow this DataFrame vertically by stacking a DataFrame to it.

DataFrame.with_columns(*exprs, **named_exprs)

Add columns to this DataFrame.

DataFrame.with_columns_seq(*exprs, **named_exprs)

Add columns to this DataFrame.

DataFrame.with_row_count([name, offset])

Add a column at index 0 that counts the rows.

DataFrame.with_row_index([name, offset])

Add a row index as the first column in the DataFrame.