
class polars.Catalog(
workspace_url: str,
bearer_token: str | None = 'auto',
require_https: bool = True,

Unity catalog client.


This functionality is considered unstable. It may be changed at any point without it being considered a breaking change.

workspace_url: str,
bearer_token: str | None = 'auto',
require_https: bool = True,
) None[source]#

Initialize a catalog client.


This functionality is considered unstable. It may be changed at any point without it being considered a breaking change.


URL of the workspace, or alternatively the URL of the Unity catalog API endpoint.


Bearer token to authenticate with. This can also be set to:

  • “auto”: Automatically retrieve bearer tokens from the environment.

  • “databricks-sdk”: Use the Databricks SDK to retrieve and use the bearer token from the environment.


Require the workspace_url to use HTTPS.


__init__(workspace_url, *[, bearer_token, ...])

Initialize a catalog client.

create_catalog(catalog_name, *[, comment, ...])

Create a catalog.

create_namespace(catalog_name, namespace, *)

Create a namespace (unity schema) in the catalog.

create_table(catalog_name, namespace, ...[, ...])

Create a table in the catalog.

delete_catalog(catalog_name, *[, force])

Delete a catalog.

delete_namespace(catalog_name, namespace, *)

Delete a namespace (unity schema) in the catalog.

delete_table(catalog_name, namespace, table_name)

Delete the table stored at this location.

get_table_info(catalog_name, namespace, ...)

Retrieve the metadata of the specified table.


List the available catalogs.


List the available namespaces (unity schema) under the specified catalog.

list_tables(catalog_name, namespace)

List the available tables under the specified schema.

scan_table(catalog_name, namespace, ...[, ...])

Retrieve the metadata of the specified table.

write_table(df, catalog_name, namespace, ...)

Write a DataFrame to a catalog table.