1use arrow::legacy::time_zone::Tz;
2use chrono::{Datelike, NaiveDateTime, NaiveTime};
3use polars_core::chunked_array::temporal::time_to_time64ns;
4use polars_core::prelude::*;
5use polars_core::series::IsSorted;
6use polars_utils::format_pl_smallstr;
8use crate::prelude::*;
10pub fn in_nanoseconds_window(ndt: &NaiveDateTime) -> bool {
11 !(ndt.year() > 2554 || ndt.year() < 1386)
15pub fn date_range(
17 name: PlSmallStr,
18 start: NaiveDateTime,
19 end: NaiveDateTime,
20 interval: Duration,
21 closed: ClosedWindow,
22 tu: TimeUnit,
23 tz: Option<&Tz>,
24) -> PolarsResult<DatetimeChunked> {
25 let (start, end) = match tu {
26 TimeUnit::Nanoseconds => (
27 start.and_utc().timestamp_nanos_opt().unwrap(),
28 end.and_utc().timestamp_nanos_opt().unwrap(),
29 ),
30 TimeUnit::Microseconds => (
31 start.and_utc().timestamp_micros(),
32 end.and_utc().timestamp_micros(),
33 ),
34 TimeUnit::Milliseconds => (
35 start.and_utc().timestamp_millis(),
36 end.and_utc().timestamp_millis(),
37 ),
38 };
39 datetime_range_impl(name, start, end, interval, closed, tu, tz)
43pub fn datetime_range_impl(
44 name: PlSmallStr,
45 start: i64,
46 end: i64,
47 interval: Duration,
48 closed: ClosedWindow,
49 tu: TimeUnit,
50 tz: Option<&Tz>,
51) -> PolarsResult<DatetimeChunked> {
52 let out = Int64Chunked::new_vec(
53 name,
54 datetime_range_i64(start, end, interval, closed, tu, tz)?,
55 );
56 let mut out = match tz {
57 #[cfg(feature = "timezones")]
58 Some(tz) => out.into_datetime(tu, Some(format_pl_smallstr!("{}", tz))),
59 _ => out.into_datetime(tu, None),
60 };
62 out.set_sorted_flag(IsSorted::Ascending);
63 Ok(out)
66pub fn time_range(
68 name: PlSmallStr,
69 start: NaiveTime,
70 end: NaiveTime,
71 interval: Duration,
72 closed: ClosedWindow,
73) -> PolarsResult<TimeChunked> {
74 let start = time_to_time64ns(&start);
75 let end = time_to_time64ns(&end);
76 time_range_impl(name, start, end, interval, closed)
80pub fn time_range_impl(
81 name: PlSmallStr,
82 start: i64,
83 end: i64,
84 interval: Duration,
85 closed: ClosedWindow,
86) -> PolarsResult<TimeChunked> {
87 let mut out = Int64Chunked::new_vec(
88 name,
89 datetime_range_i64(start, end, interval, closed, TimeUnit::Nanoseconds, None)?,
90 )
91 .into_time();
93 out.set_sorted_flag(IsSorted::Ascending);
94 Ok(out)
97pub(crate) fn datetime_range_i64(
99 start: i64,
100 end: i64,
101 interval: Duration,
102 closed: ClosedWindow,
103 time_unit: TimeUnit,
104 time_zone: Option<&Tz>,
105) -> PolarsResult<Vec<i64>> {
106 if start > end {
107 return Ok(Vec::new());
108 }
109 polars_ensure!(
110 !interval.negative && !interval.is_zero(),
111 ComputeError: "`interval` must be positive"
112 );
114 let duration = match time_unit {
115 TimeUnit::Nanoseconds => interval.duration_ns(),
116 TimeUnit::Microseconds => interval.duration_us(),
117 TimeUnit::Milliseconds => interval.duration_ms(),
118 };
119 let time_zone_opt_string: Option<String> = match time_zone {
120 #[cfg(feature = "timezones")]
121 Some(tz) => Some(tz.to_string()),
122 _ => None,
123 };
124 if interval.is_constant_duration(time_zone_opt_string.as_deref()) {
125 let step: usize = duration.try_into().map_err(
127 |_err| polars_err!(ComputeError: "Could not convert {:?} to usize", duration),
128 )?;
129 polars_ensure!(
130 step != 0,
131 InvalidOperation: "interval {} is too small for time unit {} and got rounded down to zero",
132 interval,
133 time_unit,
134 );
135 return match closed {
136 ClosedWindow::Both => Ok((start..=end).step_by(step).collect::<Vec<i64>>()),
137 ClosedWindow::None => Ok((start + duration..end).step_by(step).collect::<Vec<i64>>()),
138 ClosedWindow::Left => Ok((start..end).step_by(step).collect::<Vec<i64>>()),
139 ClosedWindow::Right => Ok((start + duration..=end).step_by(step).collect::<Vec<i64>>()),
140 };
141 }
143 let size = ((end - start) / duration + 1) as usize;
144 let offset_fn = match time_unit {
145 TimeUnit::Nanoseconds => Duration::add_ns,
146 TimeUnit::Microseconds => Duration::add_us,
147 TimeUnit::Milliseconds => Duration::add_ms,
148 };
149 let mut ts = Vec::with_capacity(size);
150 let mut i = match closed {
151 ClosedWindow::Both | ClosedWindow::Left => 0,
152 ClosedWindow::Right | ClosedWindow::None => 1,
153 };
154 let mut t = offset_fn(&(interval * i), start, time_zone)?;
155 i += 1;
156 match closed {
157 ClosedWindow::Both | ClosedWindow::Right => {
158 while t <= end {
159 ts.push(t);
160 t = offset_fn(&(interval * i), start, time_zone)?;
161 i += 1;
162 }
163 },
164 ClosedWindow::Left | ClosedWindow::None => {
165 while t < end {
166 ts.push(t);
167 t = offset_fn(&(interval * i), start, time_zone)?;
168 i += 1;
169 }
170 },
171 }
172 debug_assert!(size >= ts.len());
173 Ok(ts)