
1#[cfg(feature = "binary_encoding")]
2use std::borrow::Cow;
4use arrow::with_match_primitive_type;
5#[cfg(feature = "binary_encoding")]
6use base64::Engine as _;
7#[cfg(feature = "binary_encoding")]
8use base64::engine::general_purpose;
9use memchr::memmem::find;
10use polars_compute::size::binary_size_bytes;
11use polars_core::prelude::arity::{broadcast_binary_elementwise_values, unary_elementwise_values};
13use super::cast_binary_to_numerical::cast_binview_to_primitive_dyn;
14use super::*;
16pub trait BinaryNameSpaceImpl: AsBinary {
17    /// Check if binary contains given literal
18    fn contains(&self, lit: &[u8]) -> BooleanChunked {
19        let ca = self.as_binary();
20        let f = |s: &[u8]| find(s, lit).is_some();
21        unary_elementwise_values(ca, f)
22    }
24    fn contains_chunked(&self, lit: &BinaryChunked) -> BooleanChunked {
25        let ca = self.as_binary();
26        match lit.len() {
27            1 => match lit.get(0) {
28                Some(lit) => ca.contains(lit),
29                None => BooleanChunked::full_null(ca.name().clone(), ca.len()),
30            },
31            _ => broadcast_binary_elementwise_values(ca, lit, |src, lit| find(src, lit).is_some()),
32        }
33    }
35    /// Check if strings ends with a substring
36    fn ends_with(&self, sub: &[u8]) -> BooleanChunked {
37        let ca = self.as_binary();
38        let f = |s: &[u8]| s.ends_with(sub);
39        ca.apply_nonnull_values_generic(DataType::Boolean, f)
40    }
42    /// Check if strings starts with a substring
43    fn starts_with(&self, sub: &[u8]) -> BooleanChunked {
44        let ca = self.as_binary();
45        let f = |s: &[u8]| s.starts_with(sub);
46        ca.apply_nonnull_values_generic(DataType::Boolean, f)
47    }
49    fn starts_with_chunked(&self, prefix: &BinaryChunked) -> BooleanChunked {
50        let ca = self.as_binary();
51        match prefix.len() {
52            1 => match prefix.get(0) {
53                Some(s) => self.starts_with(s),
54                None => BooleanChunked::full_null(ca.name().clone(), ca.len()),
55            },
56            _ => broadcast_binary_elementwise_values(ca, prefix, |s, sub| s.starts_with(sub)),
57        }
58    }
60    fn ends_with_chunked(&self, suffix: &BinaryChunked) -> BooleanChunked {
61        let ca = self.as_binary();
62        match suffix.len() {
63            1 => match suffix.get(0) {
64                Some(s) => self.ends_with(s),
65                None => BooleanChunked::full_null(ca.name().clone(), ca.len()),
66            },
67            _ => broadcast_binary_elementwise_values(ca, suffix, |s, sub| s.ends_with(sub)),
68        }
69    }
71    /// Get the size of the binary values in bytes.
72    fn size_bytes(&self) -> UInt32Chunked {
73        let ca = self.as_binary();
74        ca.apply_kernel_cast(&binary_size_bytes)
75    }
77    #[cfg(feature = "binary_encoding")]
78    fn hex_decode(&self, strict: bool) -> PolarsResult<BinaryChunked> {
79        let ca = self.as_binary();
80        if strict {
81            ca.try_apply_nonnull_values_generic(|s| {
82                hex::decode(s).map_err(|_| {
83                    polars_err!(
84                        ComputeError:
85                        "invalid `hex` encoding found; try setting `strict=false` to ignore"
86                    )
87                })
88            })
89        } else {
90            Ok(ca.apply(|opt_s| opt_s.and_then(|s| hex::decode(s).ok().map(Cow::Owned))))
91        }
92    }
94    #[cfg(feature = "binary_encoding")]
95    fn hex_encode(&self) -> Series {
96        let ca = self.as_binary();
97        unsafe {
98            ca.apply_values(|s| hex::encode(s).into_bytes().into())
99                .cast_unchecked(&DataType::String)
100                .unwrap()
101        }
102    }
104    #[cfg(feature = "binary_encoding")]
105    fn base64_decode(&self, strict: bool) -> PolarsResult<BinaryChunked> {
106        let ca = self.as_binary();
107        if strict {
108            ca.try_apply_nonnull_values_generic(|s| {
109                general_purpose::STANDARD.decode(s).map_err(|_e| {
110                    polars_err!(
111                        ComputeError:
112                        "invalid `base64` encoding found; try setting `strict=false` to ignore"
113                    )
114                })
115            })
116        } else {
117            Ok(ca.apply(|opt_s| {
118                opt_s.and_then(|s| general_purpose::STANDARD.decode(s).ok().map(Cow::Owned))
119            }))
120        }
121    }
123    #[cfg(feature = "binary_encoding")]
124    fn base64_encode(&self) -> Series {
125        let ca = self.as_binary();
126        unsafe {
127            ca.apply_values(|s| general_purpose::STANDARD.encode(s).into_bytes().into())
128                .cast_unchecked(&DataType::String)
129                .unwrap()
130        }
131    }
133    #[cfg(feature = "binary_encoding")]
134    #[allow(clippy::wrong_self_convention)]
135    fn from_buffer(&self, dtype: &DataType, is_little_endian: bool) -> PolarsResult<Series> {
136        let ca = self.as_binary();
137        let arrow_type = dtype.to_arrow(CompatLevel::newest());
139        match arrow_type.to_physical_type() {
140            arrow::datatypes::PhysicalType::Primitive(ty) => {
141                with_match_primitive_type!(ty, |$T| {
142                    unsafe {
143                        Ok(Series::from_chunks_and_dtype_unchecked(
144                            ca.name().clone(),
145                            ca.chunks().iter().map(|chunk| {
146                                cast_binview_to_primitive_dyn::<$T>(
147                                    &**chunk,
148                                    &arrow_type,
149                                    is_little_endian,
150                                )
151                            }).collect::<PolarsResult<Vec<_>>>()?,
152                            dtype
153                        ))
154                    }
155                })
156            },
157            _ => Err(
158                polars_err!(InvalidOperation:"unsupported data type in from_buffer. Only numerical types are allowed."),
159            ),
160        }
161    }
164impl BinaryNameSpaceImpl for BinaryChunked {}