
1pub(super) mod batched;
3use std::fmt;
4use std::sync::Mutex;
5use std::sync::atomic::{AtomicUsize, Ordering};
7use polars_core::POOL;
8use polars_core::prelude::*;
9use polars_core::utils::{accumulate_dataframes_vertical, handle_casting_failures};
10#[cfg(feature = "polars-time")]
11use polars_time::prelude::*;
12use rayon::prelude::*;
14use super::CsvParseOptions;
15use super::buffer::init_buffers;
16use super::options::{CommentPrefix, CsvEncoding, NullValuesCompiled};
17use super::parser::{
18    CountLines, SplitLines, is_comment_line, parse_lines, skip_bom, skip_line_ending,
19    skip_lines_naive, skip_this_line,
21use super::reader::prepare_csv_schema;
22use super::schema_inference::{check_decimal_comma, infer_file_schema};
23#[cfg(feature = "decompress")]
24use super::utils::decompress;
25use crate::RowIndex;
26use crate::csv::read::parser::skip_this_line_naive;
27use crate::mmap::ReaderBytes;
28use crate::predicates::PhysicalIoExpr;
29use crate::utils::compression::SupportedCompression;
30use crate::utils::update_row_counts2;
32pub fn cast_columns(
33    df: &mut DataFrame,
34    to_cast: &[Field],
35    parallel: bool,
36    ignore_errors: bool,
37) -> PolarsResult<()> {
38    let cast_fn = |c: &Column, fld: &Field| {
39        let out = match (c.dtype(), fld.dtype()) {
40            #[cfg(feature = "temporal")]
41            (DataType::String, DataType::Date) => c
42                .str()
43                .unwrap()
44                .as_date(None, false)
45                .map(|ca| ca.into_column()),
46            #[cfg(feature = "temporal")]
47            (DataType::String, DataType::Time) => c
48                .str()
49                .unwrap()
50                .as_time(None, false)
51                .map(|ca| ca.into_column()),
52            #[cfg(feature = "temporal")]
53            (DataType::String, DataType::Datetime(tu, _)) => c
54                .str()
55                .unwrap()
56                .as_datetime(
57                    None,
58                    *tu,
59                    false,
60                    false,
61                    None,
62                    &StringChunked::from_iter(std::iter::once("raise")),
63                )
64                .map(|ca| ca.into_column()),
65            (_, dt) => c.cast(dt),
66        }?;
67        if !ignore_errors && c.null_count() != out.null_count() {
68            handle_casting_failures(c.as_materialized_series(), out.as_materialized_series())?;
69        }
70        Ok(out)
71    };
73    if parallel {
74        let cols = POOL.install(|| {
75            df.get_columns()
76                .into_par_iter()
77                .map(|s| {
78                    if let Some(fld) = to_cast.iter().find(|fld| fld.name() == s.name()) {
79                        cast_fn(s, fld)
80                    } else {
81                        Ok(s.clone())
82                    }
83                })
84                .collect::<PolarsResult<Vec<_>>>()
85        })?;
86        *df = unsafe { DataFrame::new_no_checks(df.height(), cols) }
87    } else {
88        // cast to the original dtypes in the schema
89        for fld in to_cast {
90            // field may not be projected
91            if let Some(idx) = df.get_column_index(fld.name()) {
92                df.try_apply_at_idx(idx, |s| cast_fn(s, fld))?;
93            }
94        }
95    }
96    Ok(())
99/// CSV file reader
100pub(crate) struct CoreReader<'a> {
101    reader_bytes: Option<ReaderBytes<'a>>,
102    /// Explicit schema for the CSV file
103    schema: SchemaRef,
104    parse_options: CsvParseOptions,
105    /// Optional projection for which columns to load (zero-based column indices)
106    projection: Option<Vec<usize>>,
107    /// Current line number, used in error reporting
108    current_line: usize,
109    ignore_errors: bool,
110    skip_lines: usize,
111    skip_rows_before_header: usize,
112    // after the header, we need to take embedded lines into account
113    skip_rows_after_header: usize,
114    n_rows: Option<usize>,
115    n_threads: Option<usize>,
116    has_header: bool,
117    chunk_size: usize,
118    null_values: Option<NullValuesCompiled>,
119    predicate: Option<Arc<dyn PhysicalIoExpr>>,
120    to_cast: Vec<Field>,
121    row_index: Option<RowIndex>,
122    #[cfg_attr(not(feature = "dtype-categorical"), allow(unused))]
123    has_categorical: bool,
126impl fmt::Debug for CoreReader<'_> {
127    fn fmt(&self, f: &mut fmt::Formatter<'_>) -> fmt::Result {
128        f.debug_struct("Reader")
129            .field("schema", &self.schema)
130            .field("projection", &self.projection)
131            .field("current_line", &self.current_line)
132            .finish()
133    }
136impl<'a> CoreReader<'a> {
137    #[allow(clippy::too_many_arguments)]
138    pub(crate) fn new(
139        reader_bytes: ReaderBytes<'a>,
140        parse_options: Arc<CsvParseOptions>,
141        n_rows: Option<usize>,
142        skip_rows: usize,
143        skip_lines: usize,
144        mut projection: Option<Vec<usize>>,
145        max_records: Option<usize>,
146        has_header: bool,
147        ignore_errors: bool,
148        schema: Option<SchemaRef>,
149        columns: Option<Arc<[PlSmallStr]>>,
150        mut n_threads: Option<usize>,
151        schema_overwrite: Option<SchemaRef>,
152        dtype_overwrite: Option<Arc<Vec<DataType>>>,
153        chunk_size: usize,
154        predicate: Option<Arc<dyn PhysicalIoExpr>>,
155        mut to_cast: Vec<Field>,
156        skip_rows_after_header: usize,
157        row_index: Option<RowIndex>,
158        raise_if_empty: bool,
159    ) -> PolarsResult<CoreReader<'a>> {
160        let separator = parse_options.separator;
162        check_decimal_comma(parse_options.decimal_comma, separator)?;
163        #[cfg(feature = "decompress")]
164        let mut reader_bytes = reader_bytes;
166        if !cfg!(feature = "decompress") && SupportedCompression::check(&reader_bytes).is_some() {
167            polars_bail!(
168                ComputeError: "cannot read compressed CSV file; \
169                compile with feature 'decompress'"
170            );
171        }
172        // We keep track of the inferred schema bool
173        // In case the file is compressed this schema inference is wrong and has to be done
174        // again after decompression.
175        #[cfg(feature = "decompress")]
176        {
177            let total_n_rows =
178                n_rows.map(|n| skip_rows + (has_header as usize) + skip_rows_after_header + n);
179            if let Some(b) = decompress(
180                &reader_bytes,
181                total_n_rows,
182                separator,
183                parse_options.quote_char,
184                parse_options.eol_char,
185            ) {
186                reader_bytes = ReaderBytes::Owned(b.into());
187            }
188        }
190        let mut schema = match schema {
191            Some(schema) => schema,
192            None => {
193                let (inferred_schema, _, _) = infer_file_schema(
194                    &reader_bytes,
195                    &parse_options,
196                    max_records,
197                    has_header,
198                    schema_overwrite.as_deref(),
199                    skip_rows,
200                    skip_lines,
201                    skip_rows_after_header,
202                    raise_if_empty,
203                    &mut n_threads,
204                )?;
205                Arc::new(inferred_schema)
206            },
207        };
208        if let Some(dtypes) = dtype_overwrite {
209            polars_ensure!(
210                dtypes.len() <= schema.len(),
211                InvalidOperation: "The number of schema overrides must be less than or equal to the number of fields"
212            );
213            let s = Arc::make_mut(&mut schema);
214            for (index, dt) in dtypes.iter().enumerate() {
215                s.set_dtype_at_index(index, dt.clone()).unwrap();
216            }
217        }
219        let has_categorical = prepare_csv_schema(&mut schema, &mut to_cast)?;
221        // Create a null value for every column
222        let null_values = parse_options
223            .null_values
224            .as_ref()
225            .map(|nv| nv.clone().compile(&schema))
226            .transpose()?;
228        if let Some(cols) = columns {
229            let mut prj = Vec::with_capacity(cols.len());
230            for col in cols.as_ref() {
231                let i = schema.try_index_of(col)?;
232                prj.push(i);
233            }
234            projection = Some(prj);
235        }
237        Ok(CoreReader {
238            reader_bytes: Some(reader_bytes),
239            parse_options: (*parse_options).clone(),
240            schema,
241            projection,
242            current_line: usize::from(has_header),
243            ignore_errors,
244            skip_lines,
245            skip_rows_before_header: skip_rows,
246            skip_rows_after_header,
247            n_rows,
248            n_threads,
249            has_header,
250            chunk_size,
251            null_values,
252            predicate,
253            to_cast,
254            row_index,
255            has_categorical,
256        })
257    }
259    fn find_starting_point<'b>(
260        &self,
261        bytes: &'b [u8],
262        quote_char: Option<u8>,
263        eol_char: u8,
264    ) -> PolarsResult<(&'b [u8], Option<usize>)> {
265        let i = find_starting_point(
266            bytes,
267            quote_char,
268            eol_char,
269            self.schema.len(),
270            self.skip_lines,
271            self.skip_rows_before_header,
272            self.skip_rows_after_header,
273            self.parse_options.comment_prefix.as_ref(),
274            self.has_header,
275        )?;
277        Ok((&bytes[i..], (i <= bytes.len()).then_some(i)))
278    }
280    fn get_projection(&mut self) -> PolarsResult<Vec<usize>> {
281        // we also need to sort the projection to have predictable output.
282        // the `parse_lines` function expects this.
283        self.projection
284            .take()
285            .map(|mut v| {
286                v.sort_unstable();
287                if let Some(idx) = v.last() {
288                    polars_ensure!(*idx < self.schema.len(), OutOfBounds: "projection index: {} is out of bounds for csv schema with length: {}", idx, self.schema.len())
289                }
290                Ok(v)
291            })
292            .unwrap_or_else(|| Ok((0..self.schema.len()).collect()))
293    }
295    fn read_chunk(
296        &self,
297        bytes: &[u8],
298        projection: &[usize],
299        bytes_offset: usize,
300        capacity: usize,
301        starting_point_offset: Option<usize>,
302        stop_at_nbytes: usize,
303    ) -> PolarsResult<DataFrame> {
304        let mut df = read_chunk(
305            bytes,
306            &self.parse_options,
307            self.schema.as_ref(),
308            self.ignore_errors,
309            projection,
310            bytes_offset,
311            capacity,
312            self.null_values.as_ref(),
313            usize::MAX,
314            stop_at_nbytes,
315            starting_point_offset,
316        )?;
318        cast_columns(&mut df, &self.to_cast, false, self.ignore_errors)?;
319        Ok(df)
320    }
322    fn parse_csv(&mut self, bytes: &[u8]) -> PolarsResult<DataFrame> {
323        let (bytes, _) = self.find_starting_point(
324            bytes,
325            self.parse_options.quote_char,
326            self.parse_options.eol_char,
327        )?;
329        let projection = self.get_projection()?;
331        // An empty file with a schema should return an empty DataFrame with that schema
332        if bytes.is_empty() {
333            let mut df = if projection.len() == self.schema.len() {
334                DataFrame::empty_with_schema(self.schema.as_ref())
335            } else {
336                DataFrame::empty_with_schema(
337                    &projection
338                        .iter()
339                        .map(|&i| self.schema.get_at_index(i).unwrap())
340                        .map(|(name, dtype)| Field {
341                            name: name.clone(),
342                            dtype: dtype.clone(),
343                        })
344                        .collect::<Schema>(),
345                )
346            };
347            if let Some(ref row_index) = self.row_index {
348                df.insert_column(0, Series::new_empty(row_index.name.clone(), &IDX_DTYPE))?;
349            }
350            return Ok(df);
351        }
353        let n_threads = self.n_threads.unwrap_or_else(|| POOL.current_num_threads());
355        // This is chosen by benchmarking on ny city trip csv dataset.
356        // We want small enough chunks such that threads start working as soon as possible
357        // But we also want them large enough, so that we have less chunks related overhead, but
358        // We minimize chunks to 16 MB to still fit L3 cache.
359        let n_parts_hint = n_threads * 16;
360        let chunk_size = std::cmp::min(bytes.len() / n_parts_hint, 16 * 1024 * 1024);
362        // Use a small min chunk size to catch failures in tests.
363        #[cfg(debug_assertions)]
364        let min_chunk_size = 64;
365        #[cfg(not(debug_assertions))]
366        let min_chunk_size = 1024 * 4;
368        let mut chunk_size = std::cmp::max(chunk_size, min_chunk_size);
369        let mut total_bytes_offset = 0;
371        let results = Arc::new(Mutex::new(vec![]));
372        // We have to do this after parsing as there can be comments.
373        let total_line_count = &AtomicUsize::new(0);
375        #[cfg(not(target_family = "wasm"))]
376        let pool;
377        #[cfg(not(target_family = "wasm"))]
378        let pool = if n_threads == POOL.current_num_threads() {
379            &POOL
380        } else {
381            pool = rayon::ThreadPoolBuilder::new()
382                .num_threads(n_threads)
383                .build()
384                .map_err(|_| polars_err!(ComputeError: "could not spawn threads"))?;
385            &pool
386        };
387        #[cfg(target_family = "wasm")]
388        let pool = &POOL;
390        let counter = CountLines::new(self.parse_options.quote_char, self.parse_options.eol_char);
391        let mut total_offset = 0;
392        let check_utf8 = matches!(self.parse_options.encoding, CsvEncoding::Utf8)
393            && self.schema.iter_fields().any(|f| f.dtype().is_string());
395        pool.scope(|s| {
396            loop {
397                let b = unsafe { bytes.get_unchecked(total_offset..) };
398                if b.is_empty() {
399                    break;
400                }
401                debug_assert!(
402                    total_offset == 0 || bytes[total_offset - 1] == self.parse_options.eol_char
403                );
404                let (count, position) = counter.find_next(b, &mut chunk_size);
405                debug_assert!(count == 0 || b[position] == self.parse_options.eol_char);
407                let (b, count) = if count == 0
408                    && unsafe { b.as_ptr().add(b.len()) == bytes.as_ptr().add(bytes.len()) }
409                {
410                    total_offset = bytes.len();
411                    (b, 1)
412                } else {
413                    if count == 0 {
414                        chunk_size *= 2;
415                        continue;
416                    }
418                    let end = total_offset + position + 1;
419                    let b = unsafe { bytes.get_unchecked(total_offset..end) };
421                    total_offset = end;
422                    (b, count)
423                };
425                if !b.is_empty() {
426                    let results = results.clone();
427                    let projection = projection.as_ref();
428                    let slf = &(*self);
429                    s.spawn(move |_| {
430                        if check_utf8 && !super::buffer::validate_utf8(b) {
431                            let mut results = results.lock().unwrap();
432                            results.push((
433                                b.as_ptr() as usize,
434                                Err(polars_err!(ComputeError: "invalid utf-8 sequence")),
435                            ));
436                            return;
437                        }
439                        let result = slf
440                            .read_chunk(b, projection, 0, count, Some(0), b.len())
441                            .and_then(|mut df| {
442                                debug_assert!(df.height() <= count);
444                                if slf.n_rows.is_some() {
445                                    total_line_count.fetch_add(df.height(), Ordering::Relaxed);
446                                }
448                                // We cannot use the line count as there can be comments in the lines so we must correct line counts later.
449                                if let Some(rc) = &slf.row_index {
450                                    // is first chunk
451                                    let offset = if b.as_ptr() == bytes.as_ptr() {
452                                        Some(rc.offset)
453                                    } else {
454                                        None
455                                    };
457                                    df.with_row_index_mut(rc.name.clone(), offset);
458                                };
460                                if let Some(predicate) = slf.predicate.as_ref() {
461                                    let s = predicate.evaluate_io(&df)?;
462                                    let mask = s.bool()?;
463                                    df = df.filter(mask)?;
464                                }
465                                Ok(df)
466                            });
468                        results.lock().unwrap().push((b.as_ptr() as usize, result));
469                    });
471                    // Check just after we spawned a chunk. That mean we processed all data up until
472                    // row count.
473                    if self.n_rows.is_some()
474                        && total_line_count.load(Ordering::Relaxed) > self.n_rows.unwrap()
475                    {
476                        break;
477                    }
478                }
479                total_bytes_offset += b.len();
480            }
481        });
482        let mut results = std::mem::take(&mut *results.lock().unwrap());
483        results.sort_unstable_by_key(|k| k.0);
484        let mut dfs = results
485            .into_iter()
486            .map(|k| k.1)
487            .collect::<PolarsResult<Vec<_>>>()?;
489        if let Some(rc) = &self.row_index {
490            update_row_counts2(&mut dfs, rc.offset)
491        };
492        accumulate_dataframes_vertical(dfs)
493    }
495    /// Read the csv into a DataFrame. The predicate can come from a lazy physical plan.
496    pub fn finish(mut self) -> PolarsResult<DataFrame> {
497        #[cfg(feature = "dtype-categorical")]
498        let mut _cat_lock = if self.has_categorical {
499            Some(polars_core::StringCacheHolder::hold())
500        } else {
501            None
502        };
504        let reader_bytes = self.reader_bytes.take().unwrap();
506        let mut df = self.parse_csv(&reader_bytes)?;
508        // if multi-threaded the n_rows was probabilistically determined.
509        // Let's slice to correct number of rows if possible.
510        if let Some(n_rows) = self.n_rows {
511            if n_rows < df.height() {
512                df = df.slice(0, n_rows)
513            }
514        }
515        Ok(df)
516    }
520pub fn read_chunk(
521    bytes: &[u8],
522    parse_options: &CsvParseOptions,
523    schema: &Schema,
524    ignore_errors: bool,
525    projection: &[usize],
526    bytes_offset_thread: usize,
527    capacity: usize,
528    null_values: Option<&NullValuesCompiled>,
529    chunk_size: usize,
530    stop_at_nbytes: usize,
531    starting_point_offset: Option<usize>,
532) -> PolarsResult<DataFrame> {
533    let mut read = bytes_offset_thread;
534    // There's an off-by-one error somewhere in the reading code, where it reads
535    // one more item than the requested capacity. Given the batch sizes are
536    // approximate (sometimes they're smaller), this isn't broken, but it does
537    // mean a bunch of extra allocation and copying. So we allocate a
538    // larger-by-one buffer so the size is more likely to be accurate.
539    let mut buffers = init_buffers(
540        projection,
541        capacity + 1,
542        schema,
543        parse_options.quote_char,
544        parse_options.encoding,
545        parse_options.decimal_comma,
546    )?;
548    debug_assert!(projection.is_sorted());
550    let mut last_read = usize::MAX;
551    loop {
552        if read >= stop_at_nbytes || read == last_read {
553            break;
554        }
555        let local_bytes = &bytes[read..stop_at_nbytes];
557        last_read = read;
558        let offset = read + starting_point_offset.unwrap();
559        read += parse_lines(
560            local_bytes,
561            parse_options,
562            offset,
563            ignore_errors,
564            null_values,
565            projection,
566            &mut buffers,
567            chunk_size,
568            schema.len(),
569            schema,
570        )?;
571    }
573    let columns = buffers
574        .into_iter()
575        .map(|buf| buf.into_series().map(Column::from))
576        .collect::<PolarsResult<Vec<_>>>()?;
577    Ok(unsafe { DataFrame::new_no_checks_height_from_first(columns) })
581pub fn find_starting_point(
582    mut bytes: &[u8],
583    quote_char: Option<u8>,
584    eol_char: u8,
585    schema_len: usize,
586    skip_lines: usize,
587    skip_rows_before_header: usize,
588    skip_rows_after_header: usize,
589    comment_prefix: Option<&CommentPrefix>,
590    has_header: bool,
591) -> PolarsResult<usize> {
592    let full_len = bytes.len();
593    let starting_point_offset = bytes.as_ptr() as usize;
595    bytes = if skip_lines > 0 {
596        polars_ensure!(skip_rows_before_header == 0, InvalidOperation: "only one of 'skip_rows'/'skip_lines' may be set");
597        skip_lines_naive(bytes, eol_char, skip_lines)
598    } else {
599        // Skip utf8 byte-order-mark (BOM)
600        bytes = skip_bom(bytes);
602        // \n\n can be a empty string row of a single column
603        // in other cases we skip it.
604        if schema_len > 1 {
605            bytes = skip_line_ending(bytes, eol_char)
606        }
607        bytes
608    };
610    // skip 'n' leading rows
611    if skip_rows_before_header > 0 {
612        let mut split_lines = SplitLines::new(bytes, quote_char, eol_char, comment_prefix);
613        let mut current_line = &bytes[..0];
615        for _ in 0..skip_rows_before_header {
616            current_line = split_lines
617                .next()
618                .ok_or_else(|| polars_err!(NoData: "not enough lines to skip"))?;
619        }
621        current_line = split_lines
622            .next()
623            .unwrap_or(&current_line[current_line.len()..]);
624        bytes = &bytes[current_line.as_ptr() as usize - bytes.as_ptr() as usize..];
625    }
627    // skip lines that are comments
628    while is_comment_line(bytes, comment_prefix) {
629        bytes = skip_this_line_naive(bytes, eol_char);
630    }
632    // skip header row
633    if has_header {
634        bytes = skip_this_line(bytes, quote_char, eol_char);
635    }
636    // skip 'n' rows following the header
637    if skip_rows_after_header > 0 {
638        let mut split_lines = SplitLines::new(bytes, quote_char, eol_char, comment_prefix);
639        let mut current_line = &bytes[..0];
641        for _ in 0..skip_rows_after_header {
642            current_line = split_lines
643                .next()
644                .ok_or_else(|| polars_err!(NoData: "not enough lines to skip"))?;
645        }
647        current_line = split_lines
648            .next()
649            .unwrap_or(&current_line[current_line.len()..]);
650        bytes = &bytes[current_line.as_ptr() as usize - bytes.as_ptr() as usize..];
651    }
653    Ok(
654        // Some of the functions we call may return `&'static []` instead of
655        // slices of `&bytes[..]`.
656        if bytes.is_empty() {
657            full_len
658        } else {
659            bytes.as_ptr() as usize - starting_point_offset
660        },
661    )