gather.rsuse arrow::bitmap::bitmask::BitMask;
use arrow::bitmap::Bitmap;
use polars_compute::gather::take_unchecked;
use polars_error::polars_ensure;
use polars_utils::index::check_bounds;
use crate::prelude::*;
use crate::series::IsSorted;
const BINARY_SEARCH_LIMIT: usize = 8;
pub fn check_bounds_nulls(idx: &PrimitiveArray<IdxSize>, len: IdxSize) -> PolarsResult<()> {
let mask = BitMask::from_bitmap(idx.validity().unwrap());
for (block_idx, block) in idx.values().chunks(32).enumerate() {
let mut in_bounds = 0;
for (i, x) in block.iter().enumerate() {
in_bounds |= ((*x < len) as u32) << i;
let m = mask.get_u32(32 * block_idx);
polars_ensure!(m == m & in_bounds, ComputeError: "gather indices are out of bounds");
pub fn check_bounds_ca(indices: &IdxCa, len: IdxSize) -> PolarsResult<()> {
let all_valid = indices.downcast_iter().all(|a| {
if a.null_count() == 0 {
check_bounds(a.values(), len).is_ok()
} else {
check_bounds_nulls(a, len).is_ok()
polars_ensure!(all_valid, OutOfBounds: "gather indices are out of bounds");
impl<T: PolarsDataType, I: AsRef<[IdxSize]> + ?Sized> ChunkTake<I> for ChunkedArray<T>
ChunkedArray<T>: ChunkTakeUnchecked<I>,
fn take(&self, indices: &I) -> PolarsResult<Self> {
check_bounds(indices.as_ref(), self.len() as IdxSize)?;
Ok(unsafe { self.take_unchecked(indices) })
impl<T: PolarsDataType> ChunkTake<IdxCa> for ChunkedArray<T>
ChunkedArray<T>: ChunkTakeUnchecked<IdxCa>,
fn take(&self, indices: &IdxCa) -> PolarsResult<Self> {
check_bounds_ca(indices, self.len() as IdxSize)?;
Ok(unsafe { self.take_unchecked(indices) })
fn cumulative_lengths<A: StaticArray>(arrs: &[&A]) -> [IdxSize; BINARY_SEARCH_LIMIT] {
assert!(arrs.len() <= BINARY_SEARCH_LIMIT);
let mut ret = [IdxSize::MAX; BINARY_SEARCH_LIMIT];
ret[0] = 0;
for i in 1..arrs.len() {
ret[i] = ret[i - 1] + arrs[i - 1].len() as IdxSize;
fn resolve_chunked_idx(idx: IdxSize, cumlens: &[IdxSize; BINARY_SEARCH_LIMIT]) -> (usize, usize) {
let mut chunk_idx = 0;
chunk_idx += if idx >= cumlens[chunk_idx + 0b100] { 0b0100 } else { 0 };
chunk_idx += if idx >= cumlens[chunk_idx + 0b010] { 0b0010 } else { 0 };
chunk_idx += if idx >= cumlens[chunk_idx + 0b001] { 0b0001 } else { 0 };
(chunk_idx, (idx - cumlens[chunk_idx]) as usize)
unsafe fn target_value_unchecked<'a, A: StaticArray>(
targets: &[&'a A],
cumlens: &[IdxSize; BINARY_SEARCH_LIMIT],
idx: IdxSize,
) -> A::ValueT<'a> {
let (chunk_idx, arr_idx) = resolve_chunked_idx(idx, cumlens);
let arr = targets.get_unchecked(chunk_idx);
unsafe fn target_get_unchecked<'a, A: StaticArray>(
targets: &[&'a A],
cumlens: &[IdxSize; BINARY_SEARCH_LIMIT],
idx: IdxSize,
) -> Option<A::ValueT<'a>> {
let (chunk_idx, arr_idx) = resolve_chunked_idx(idx, cumlens);
let arr = targets.get_unchecked(chunk_idx);
unsafe fn gather_idx_array_unchecked<A: StaticArray>(
dtype: ArrowDataType,
targets: &[&A],
has_nulls: bool,
indices: &[IdxSize],
) -> A {
let it = indices.iter().copied();
if targets.len() == 1 {
let target = targets.first().unwrap();
if has_nulls {
it.map(|i| target.get_unchecked(i as usize))
} else if let Some(sl) = target.as_slice() {
it.map(|i| sl.get_unchecked(i as usize).clone())
} else {
it.map(|i| target.value_unchecked(i as usize))
} else {
let cumlens = cumulative_lengths(targets);
if has_nulls {
it.map(|i| target_get_unchecked(targets, &cumlens, i))
} else {
it.map(|i| target_value_unchecked(targets, &cumlens, i))
impl<T: PolarsDataType, I: AsRef<[IdxSize]> + ?Sized> ChunkTakeUnchecked<I> for ChunkedArray<T>
T: PolarsDataType<HasViews = FalseT, IsStruct = FalseT, IsNested = FalseT>,
unsafe fn take_unchecked(&self, indices: &I) -> Self {
let rechunked;
let mut ca = self;
if self.chunks().len() > BINARY_SEARCH_LIMIT {
rechunked = self.rechunk();
ca = &rechunked;
let targets: Vec<_> = ca.downcast_iter().collect();
let arr = gather_idx_array_unchecked(
ca.null_count() > 0,
ChunkedArray::from_chunk_iter_like(ca, [arr])
pub fn _update_gather_sorted_flag(sorted_arr: IsSorted, sorted_idx: IsSorted) -> IsSorted {
use crate::series::IsSorted::*;
match (sorted_arr, sorted_idx) {
(_, Not) => Not,
(Not, _) => Not,
(Ascending, Ascending) => Ascending,
(Ascending, Descending) => Descending,
(Descending, Ascending) => Descending,
(Descending, Descending) => Ascending,
impl<T: PolarsDataType> ChunkTakeUnchecked<IdxCa> for ChunkedArray<T>
T: PolarsDataType<HasViews = FalseT, IsStruct = FalseT, IsNested = FalseT>,
unsafe fn take_unchecked(&self, indices: &IdxCa) -> Self {
let rechunked;
let mut ca = self;
if self.chunks().len() > BINARY_SEARCH_LIMIT {
rechunked = self.rechunk();
ca = &rechunked;
let targets_have_nulls = ca.null_count() > 0;
let targets: Vec<_> = ca.downcast_iter().collect();
let chunks = indices.downcast_iter().map(|idx_arr| {
let dtype = ca.dtype().to_arrow(CompatLevel::newest());
if idx_arr.null_count() == 0 {
gather_idx_array_unchecked(dtype, &targets, targets_have_nulls, idx_arr.values())
} else if targets.len() == 1 {
let target = targets.first().unwrap();
if targets_have_nulls {
.map(|i| target.get_unchecked(*i? as usize))
} else {
.map(|i| Some(target.value_unchecked(*i? as usize)))
} else {
let cumlens = cumulative_lengths(&targets);
if targets_have_nulls {
.map(|i| target_get_unchecked(&targets, &cumlens, *i?))
} else {
.map(|i| Some(target_value_unchecked(&targets, &cumlens, *i?)))
let mut out = ChunkedArray::from_chunk_iter_like(ca, chunks);
let sorted_flag = _update_gather_sorted_flag(ca.is_sorted_flag(), indices.is_sorted_flag());
impl ChunkTakeUnchecked<IdxCa> for BinaryChunked {
unsafe fn take_unchecked(&self, indices: &IdxCa) -> Self {
let rechunked = self.rechunk();
let indices = indices.rechunk();
let indices_arr = indices.downcast_iter().next().unwrap();
let chunks = rechunked
.map(|arr| take_unchecked(arr.as_ref(), indices_arr))
let mut out = ChunkedArray::from_chunks(self.name().clone(), chunks);
let sorted_flag =
_update_gather_sorted_flag(self.is_sorted_flag(), indices.is_sorted_flag());
impl ChunkTakeUnchecked<IdxCa> for StringChunked {
unsafe fn take_unchecked(&self, indices: &IdxCa) -> Self {
impl<I: AsRef<[IdxSize]> + ?Sized> ChunkTakeUnchecked<I> for BinaryChunked {
unsafe fn take_unchecked(&self, indices: &I) -> Self {
let indices = IdxCa::mmap_slice(PlSmallStr::EMPTY, indices.as_ref());
impl<I: AsRef<[IdxSize]> + ?Sized> ChunkTakeUnchecked<I> for StringChunked {
unsafe fn take_unchecked(&self, indices: &I) -> Self {
#[cfg(feature = "dtype-struct")]
impl ChunkTakeUnchecked<IdxCa> for StructChunked {
unsafe fn take_unchecked(&self, indices: &IdxCa) -> Self {
let a = self.rechunk();
let index = indices.rechunk();
let chunks = a
.map(|(arr, idx)| take_unchecked(arr, idx))
#[cfg(feature = "dtype-struct")]
impl<I: AsRef<[IdxSize]> + ?Sized> ChunkTakeUnchecked<I> for StructChunked {
unsafe fn take_unchecked(&self, indices: &I) -> Self {
let idx = IdxCa::mmap_slice(PlSmallStr::EMPTY, indices.as_ref());
impl IdxCa {
pub fn with_nullable_idx<T, F: FnOnce(&IdxCa) -> T>(idx: &[NullableIdxSize], f: F) -> T {
let validity: Bitmap = idx.iter().map(|idx| !idx.is_null_idx()).collect_trusted();
let idx = bytemuck::cast_slice::<_, IdxSize>(idx);
let arr = unsafe { arrow::ffi::mmap::slice(idx) };
let arr = arr.with_validity_typed(Some(validity));
let ca = IdxCa::with_chunk(PlSmallStr::EMPTY, arr);
#[cfg(feature = "dtype-array")]
impl ChunkTakeUnchecked<IdxCa> for ArrayChunked {
unsafe fn take_unchecked(&self, indices: &IdxCa) -> Self {
let chunks = vec![take_unchecked(
#[cfg(feature = "dtype-array")]
impl<I: AsRef<[IdxSize]> + ?Sized> ChunkTakeUnchecked<I> for ArrayChunked {
unsafe fn take_unchecked(&self, indices: &I) -> Self {
let idx = IdxCa::mmap_slice(PlSmallStr::EMPTY, indices.as_ref());
impl ChunkTakeUnchecked<IdxCa> for ListChunked {
unsafe fn take_unchecked(&self, indices: &IdxCa) -> Self {
let chunks = vec![take_unchecked(
impl<I: AsRef<[IdxSize]> + ?Sized> ChunkTakeUnchecked<I> for ListChunked {
unsafe fn take_unchecked(&self, indices: &I) -> Self {
let idx = IdxCa::mmap_slice(PlSmallStr::EMPTY, indices.as_ref());