
2use std::path::PathBuf;
3use std::sync::Arc;
5use polars_core::datatypes::{DataType, Field};
6use polars_core::schema::{Schema, SchemaRef};
7use polars_error::PolarsResult;
8use polars_utils::pl_str::PlSmallStr;
9#[cfg(feature = "serde")]
10use serde::{Deserialize, Serialize};
12use crate::RowIndex;
14#[derive(Clone, Debug, PartialEq, Eq, Hash)]
15#[cfg_attr(feature = "serde", derive(Serialize, Deserialize))]
16pub struct CsvReadOptions {
17    pub path: Option<PathBuf>,
18    // Performance related options
19    pub rechunk: bool,
20    pub n_threads: Option<usize>,
21    pub low_memory: bool,
22    // Row-wise options
23    pub n_rows: Option<usize>,
24    pub row_index: Option<RowIndex>,
25    // Column-wise options
26    pub columns: Option<Arc<[PlSmallStr]>>,
27    pub projection: Option<Arc<Vec<usize>>>,
28    pub schema: Option<SchemaRef>,
29    pub schema_overwrite: Option<SchemaRef>,
30    pub dtype_overwrite: Option<Arc<Vec<DataType>>>,
31    // CSV-specific options
32    pub parse_options: Arc<CsvParseOptions>,
33    pub has_header: bool,
34    pub chunk_size: usize,
35    /// Skip rows according to the CSV spec.
36    pub skip_rows: usize,
37    /// Skip lines according to newline char (e.g. escaping will be ignored)
38    pub skip_lines: usize,
39    pub skip_rows_after_header: usize,
40    pub infer_schema_length: Option<usize>,
41    pub raise_if_empty: bool,
42    pub ignore_errors: bool,
43    pub fields_to_cast: Vec<Field>,
46#[derive(Clone, Debug, PartialEq, Eq, Hash)]
47#[cfg_attr(feature = "serde", derive(Serialize, Deserialize))]
48pub struct CsvParseOptions {
49    pub separator: u8,
50    pub quote_char: Option<u8>,
51    pub eol_char: u8,
52    pub encoding: CsvEncoding,
53    pub null_values: Option<NullValues>,
54    pub missing_is_null: bool,
55    pub truncate_ragged_lines: bool,
56    pub comment_prefix: Option<CommentPrefix>,
57    pub try_parse_dates: bool,
58    pub decimal_comma: bool,
61impl Default for CsvReadOptions {
62    fn default() -> Self {
63        Self {
64            path: None,
66            rechunk: false,
67            n_threads: None,
68            low_memory: false,
70            n_rows: None,
71            row_index: None,
73            columns: None,
74            projection: None,
75            schema: None,
76            schema_overwrite: None,
77            dtype_overwrite: None,
79            parse_options: Default::default(),
80            has_header: true,
81            chunk_size: 1 << 18,
82            skip_rows: 0,
83            skip_lines: 0,
84            skip_rows_after_header: 0,
85            infer_schema_length: Some(100),
86            raise_if_empty: true,
87            ignore_errors: false,
88            fields_to_cast: vec![],
89        }
90    }
93/// Options related to parsing the CSV format.
94impl Default for CsvParseOptions {
95    fn default() -> Self {
96        Self {
97            separator: b',',
98            quote_char: Some(b'"'),
99            eol_char: b'\n',
100            encoding: Default::default(),
101            null_values: None,
102            missing_is_null: true,
103            truncate_ragged_lines: false,
104            comment_prefix: None,
105            try_parse_dates: false,
106            decimal_comma: false,
107        }
108    }
111impl CsvReadOptions {
112    pub fn get_parse_options(&self) -> Arc<CsvParseOptions> {
113        self.parse_options.clone()
114    }
116    pub fn with_path<P: Into<PathBuf>>(mut self, path: Option<P>) -> Self {
117        self.path = path.map(|p| p.into());
118        self
119    }
121    /// Whether to makes the columns contiguous in memory.
122    pub fn with_rechunk(mut self, rechunk: bool) -> Self {
123        self.rechunk = rechunk;
124        self
125    }
127    /// Number of threads to use for reading. Defaults to the size of the polars
128    /// thread pool.
129    pub fn with_n_threads(mut self, n_threads: Option<usize>) -> Self {
130        self.n_threads = n_threads;
131        self
132    }
134    /// Reduce memory consumption at the expense of performance
135    pub fn with_low_memory(mut self, low_memory: bool) -> Self {
136        self.low_memory = low_memory;
137        self
138    }
140    /// Limits the number of rows to read.
141    pub fn with_n_rows(mut self, n_rows: Option<usize>) -> Self {
142        self.n_rows = n_rows;
143        self
144    }
146    /// Adds a row index column.
147    pub fn with_row_index(mut self, row_index: Option<RowIndex>) -> Self {
148        self.row_index = row_index;
149        self
150    }
152    /// Which columns to select.
153    pub fn with_columns(mut self, columns: Option<Arc<[PlSmallStr]>>) -> Self {
154        self.columns = columns;
155        self
156    }
158    /// Which columns to select denoted by their index. The index starts from 0
159    /// (i.e. [0, 4] would select the 1st and 5th column).
160    pub fn with_projection(mut self, projection: Option<Arc<Vec<usize>>>) -> Self {
161        self.projection = projection;
162        self
163    }
165    /// Set the schema to use for CSV file. The length of the schema must match
166    /// the number of columns in the file. If this is [None], the schema is
167    /// inferred from the file.
168    pub fn with_schema(mut self, schema: Option<SchemaRef>) -> Self {
169        self.schema = schema;
170        self
171    }
173    /// Overwrites the data types in the schema by column name.
174    pub fn with_schema_overwrite(mut self, schema_overwrite: Option<SchemaRef>) -> Self {
175        self.schema_overwrite = schema_overwrite;
176        self
177    }
179    /// Overwrite the dtypes in the schema in the order of the slice that's given.
180    /// This is useful if you don't know the column names beforehand
181    pub fn with_dtype_overwrite(mut self, dtype_overwrite: Option<Arc<Vec<DataType>>>) -> Self {
182        self.dtype_overwrite = dtype_overwrite;
183        self
184    }
186    /// Sets the CSV parsing options. See [map_parse_options][Self::map_parse_options]
187    /// for an easier way to mutate them in-place.
188    pub fn with_parse_options(mut self, parse_options: CsvParseOptions) -> Self {
189        self.parse_options = Arc::new(parse_options);
190        self
191    }
193    /// Sets whether the CSV file has a header row.
194    pub fn with_has_header(mut self, has_header: bool) -> Self {
195        self.has_header = has_header;
196        self
197    }
199    /// Sets the chunk size used by the parser. This influences performance.
200    pub fn with_chunk_size(mut self, chunk_size: usize) -> Self {
201        self.chunk_size = chunk_size;
202        self
203    }
205    /// Start reading after ``skip_rows`` rows. The header will be parsed at this
206    /// offset. Note that we respect CSV escaping/comments when skipping rows.
207    /// If you want to skip by newline char only, use `skip_lines`.
208    pub fn with_skip_rows(mut self, skip_rows: usize) -> Self {
209        self.skip_rows = skip_rows;
210        self
211    }
213    /// Start reading after `skip_lines` lines. The header will be parsed at this
214    /// offset. Note that CSV escaping will not be respected when skipping lines.
215    /// If you want to skip valid CSV rows, use ``skip_rows``.
216    pub fn with_skip_lines(mut self, skip_lines: usize) -> Self {
217        self.skip_lines = skip_lines;
218        self
219    }
221    /// Number of rows to skip after the header row.
222    pub fn with_skip_rows_after_header(mut self, skip_rows_after_header: usize) -> Self {
223        self.skip_rows_after_header = skip_rows_after_header;
224        self
225    }
227    /// Number of rows to use for schema inference. Pass [None] to use all rows.
228    pub fn with_infer_schema_length(mut self, infer_schema_length: Option<usize>) -> Self {
229        self.infer_schema_length = infer_schema_length;
230        self
231    }
233    /// Whether to raise an error if the frame is empty. By default an empty
234    /// DataFrame is returned.
235    pub fn with_raise_if_empty(mut self, raise_if_empty: bool) -> Self {
236        self.raise_if_empty = raise_if_empty;
237        self
238    }
240    /// Continue with next batch when a ParserError is encountered.
241    pub fn with_ignore_errors(mut self, ignore_errors: bool) -> Self {
242        self.ignore_errors = ignore_errors;
243        self
244    }
246    /// Apply a function to the parse options.
247    pub fn map_parse_options<F: Fn(CsvParseOptions) -> CsvParseOptions>(
248        mut self,
249        map_func: F,
250    ) -> Self {
251        let parse_options = Arc::unwrap_or_clone(self.parse_options);
252        self.parse_options = Arc::new(map_func(parse_options));
253        self
254    }
257impl CsvParseOptions {
258    /// The character used to separate fields in the CSV file. This
259    /// is most often a comma ','.
260    pub fn with_separator(mut self, separator: u8) -> Self {
261        self.separator = separator;
262        self
263    }
265    /// Set the character used for field quoting. This is most often double
266    /// quotes '"'. Set this to [None] to disable quote parsing.
267    pub fn with_quote_char(mut self, quote_char: Option<u8>) -> Self {
268        self.quote_char = quote_char;
269        self
270    }
272    /// Set the character used to indicate an end-of-line (eol).
273    pub fn with_eol_char(mut self, eol_char: u8) -> Self {
274        self.eol_char = eol_char;
275        self
276    }
278    /// Set the encoding used by the file.
279    pub fn with_encoding(mut self, encoding: CsvEncoding) -> Self {
280        self.encoding = encoding;
281        self
282    }
284    /// Set values that will be interpreted as missing/null.
285    ///
286    /// Note: These values are matched before quote-parsing, so if the null values
287    /// are quoted then those quotes also need to be included here.
288    pub fn with_null_values(mut self, null_values: Option<NullValues>) -> Self {
289        self.null_values = null_values;
290        self
291    }
293    /// Treat missing fields as null.
294    pub fn with_missing_is_null(mut self, missing_is_null: bool) -> Self {
295        self.missing_is_null = missing_is_null;
296        self
297    }
299    /// Truncate lines that are longer than the schema.
300    pub fn with_truncate_ragged_lines(mut self, truncate_ragged_lines: bool) -> Self {
301        self.truncate_ragged_lines = truncate_ragged_lines;
302        self
303    }
305    /// Sets the comment prefix for this instance. Lines starting with this
306    /// prefix will be ignored.
307    pub fn with_comment_prefix<T: Into<CommentPrefix>>(
308        mut self,
309        comment_prefix: Option<T>,
310    ) -> Self {
311        self.comment_prefix = comment_prefix.map(Into::into);
312        self
313    }
315    /// Automatically try to parse dates/datetimes and time. If parsing fails,
316    /// columns remain of dtype [`DataType::String`].
317    pub fn with_try_parse_dates(mut self, try_parse_dates: bool) -> Self {
318        self.try_parse_dates = try_parse_dates;
319        self
320    }
322    /// Parse floats with a comma as decimal separator.
323    pub fn with_decimal_comma(mut self, decimal_comma: bool) -> Self {
324        self.decimal_comma = decimal_comma;
325        self
326    }
329#[derive(Copy, Clone, Debug, Default, Eq, PartialEq, Hash)]
330#[cfg_attr(feature = "serde", derive(Serialize, Deserialize))]
331pub enum CsvEncoding {
332    /// Utf8 encoding.
333    #[default]
334    Utf8,
335    /// Utf8 encoding and unknown bytes are replaced with �.
336    LossyUtf8,
339#[derive(Clone, Debug, Eq, PartialEq, Hash)]
340#[cfg_attr(feature = "serde", derive(Serialize, Deserialize))]
341pub enum CommentPrefix {
342    /// A single byte character that indicates the start of a comment line.
343    Single(u8),
344    /// A string that indicates the start of a comment line.
345    /// This allows for multiple characters to be used as a comment identifier.
346    Multi(PlSmallStr),
349impl CommentPrefix {
350    /// Creates a new `CommentPrefix` for the `Single` variant.
351    pub fn new_single(prefix: u8) -> Self {
352        CommentPrefix::Single(prefix)
353    }
355    /// Creates a new `CommentPrefix` for the `Multi` variant.
356    pub fn new_multi(prefix: PlSmallStr) -> Self {
357        CommentPrefix::Multi(prefix)
358    }
360    /// Creates a new `CommentPrefix` from a `&str`.
361    pub fn new_from_str(prefix: &str) -> Self {
362        if prefix.len() == 1 && prefix.chars().next().unwrap().is_ascii() {
363            let c = prefix.as_bytes()[0];
364            CommentPrefix::Single(c)
365        } else {
366            CommentPrefix::Multi(PlSmallStr::from_str(prefix))
367        }
368    }
371impl From<&str> for CommentPrefix {
372    fn from(value: &str) -> Self {
373        Self::new_from_str(value)
374    }
377#[derive(Clone, Debug, Eq, PartialEq, Hash)]
378#[cfg_attr(feature = "serde", derive(Serialize, Deserialize))]
379pub enum NullValues {
380    /// A single value that's used for all columns
381    AllColumnsSingle(PlSmallStr),
382    /// Multiple values that are used for all columns
383    AllColumns(Vec<PlSmallStr>),
384    /// Tuples that map column names to null value of that column
385    Named(Vec<(PlSmallStr, PlSmallStr)>),
388impl NullValues {
389    pub fn compile(self, schema: &Schema) -> PolarsResult<NullValuesCompiled> {
390        Ok(match self {
391            NullValues::AllColumnsSingle(v) => NullValuesCompiled::AllColumnsSingle(v),
392            NullValues::AllColumns(v) => NullValuesCompiled::AllColumns(v),
393            NullValues::Named(v) => {
394                let mut null_values = vec![PlSmallStr::from_static(""); schema.len()];
395                for (name, null_value) in v {
396                    let i = schema.try_index_of(&name)?;
397                    null_values[i] = null_value;
398                }
399                NullValuesCompiled::Columns(null_values)
400            },
401        })
402    }
405#[derive(Debug, Clone)]
406pub enum NullValuesCompiled {
407    /// A single value that's used for all columns
408    AllColumnsSingle(PlSmallStr),
409    // Multiple null values that are null for all columns
410    AllColumns(Vec<PlSmallStr>),
411    /// A different null value per column, computed from `NullValues::Named`
412    Columns(Vec<PlSmallStr>),
415impl NullValuesCompiled {
416    /// # Safety
417    ///
418    /// The caller must ensure that `index` is in bounds
419    pub(super) unsafe fn is_null(&self, field: &[u8], index: usize) -> bool {
420        use NullValuesCompiled::*;
421        match self {
422            AllColumnsSingle(v) => v.as_bytes() == field,
423            AllColumns(v) => v.iter().any(|v| v.as_bytes() == field),
424            Columns(v) => {
425                debug_assert!(index < v.len());
426                v.get_unchecked(index).as_bytes() == field
427            },
428        }
429    }