1use polars_compute::cast::CastOptionsImpl;
4#[cfg(feature = "serde-lazy")]
5use serde::{Deserialize, Serialize};
7use super::flags::StatisticsFlags;
8#[cfg(feature = "timezones")]
9use crate::chunked_array::temporal::validate_time_zone;
10#[cfg(feature = "dtype-datetime")]
11use crate::prelude::DataType::Datetime;
12use crate::prelude::*;
14#[derive(Copy, Clone, Debug, Default, PartialEq, Hash, Eq)]
15#[cfg_attr(feature = "serde-lazy", derive(Serialize, Deserialize))]
17pub enum CastOptions {
18 #[default]
20 Strict,
21 NonStrict,
23 Overflowing,
27impl CastOptions {
28 pub fn strict(&self) -> bool {
29 matches!(self, CastOptions::Strict)
30 }
33impl From<CastOptions> for CastOptionsImpl {
34 fn from(value: CastOptions) -> Self {
35 let wrapped = match value {
36 CastOptions::Strict | CastOptions::NonStrict => false,
37 CastOptions::Overflowing => true,
38 };
39 CastOptionsImpl {
40 wrapped,
41 partial: false,
42 }
43 }
46pub(crate) fn cast_chunks(
47 chunks: &[ArrayRef],
48 dtype: &DataType,
49 options: CastOptions,
50) -> PolarsResult<Vec<ArrayRef>> {
51 let check_nulls = matches!(options, CastOptions::Strict);
52 let options = options.into();
54 let arrow_dtype = dtype.try_to_arrow(CompatLevel::newest())?;
55 chunks
56 .iter()
57 .map(|arr| {
58 let out = polars_compute::cast::cast(arr.as_ref(), &arrow_dtype, options);
59 if check_nulls {
60 out.and_then(|new| {
61 polars_ensure!(arr.null_count() == new.null_count(), ComputeError: "strict cast failed");
62 Ok(new)
63 })
65 } else {
66 out
67 }
68 })
69 .collect::<PolarsResult<Vec<_>>>()
72fn cast_impl_inner(
73 name: PlSmallStr,
74 chunks: &[ArrayRef],
75 dtype: &DataType,
76 options: CastOptions,
77) -> PolarsResult<Series> {
78 let chunks = match dtype {
79 #[cfg(feature = "dtype-decimal")]
80 DataType::Decimal(_, _) => {
81 let mut chunks = cast_chunks(chunks, dtype, options)?;
82 for chunk in chunks.iter_mut() {
84 *chunk = std::mem::take(
85 chunk
86 .as_any_mut()
87 .downcast_mut::<PrimitiveArray<i128>>()
88 .unwrap(),
89 )
90 .to(ArrowDataType::Int128)
91 .to_boxed();
92 }
93 chunks
94 },
95 _ => cast_chunks(chunks, &dtype.to_physical(), options)?,
96 };
98 let out = Series::try_from((name, chunks))?;
99 use DataType::*;
100 let out = match dtype {
101 Date => out.into_date(),
102 Datetime(tu, tz) => match tz {
103 #[cfg(feature = "timezones")]
104 Some(tz) => {
105 validate_time_zone(tz)?;
106 out.into_datetime(*tu, Some(tz.clone()))
107 },
108 _ => out.into_datetime(*tu, None),
109 },
110 Duration(tu) => out.into_duration(*tu),
111 #[cfg(feature = "dtype-time")]
112 Time => out.into_time(),
113 #[cfg(feature = "dtype-decimal")]
114 Decimal(precision, scale) => out.into_decimal(*precision, scale.unwrap_or(0))?,
115 _ => out,
116 };
118 Ok(out)
121fn cast_impl(
122 name: PlSmallStr,
123 chunks: &[ArrayRef],
124 dtype: &DataType,
125 options: CastOptions,
126) -> PolarsResult<Series> {
127 cast_impl_inner(name, chunks, dtype, options)
130#[cfg(feature = "dtype-struct")]
131fn cast_single_to_struct(
132 name: PlSmallStr,
133 chunks: &[ArrayRef],
134 fields: &[Field],
135 options: CastOptions,
136) -> PolarsResult<Series> {
137 polars_ensure!(fields.len() == 1, InvalidOperation: "must specify one field in the struct");
138 let mut new_fields = Vec::with_capacity(fields.len());
139 let mut fields = fields.iter();
141 let fld = fields.next().unwrap();
142 let s = cast_impl_inner(fld.name.clone(), chunks, &fld.dtype, options)?;
143 let length = s.len();
144 new_fields.push(s);
146 for fld in fields {
147 new_fields.push(Series::full_null(fld.name.clone(), length, &fld.dtype));
148 }
150 StructChunked::from_series(name, length, new_fields.iter()).map(|ca| ca.into_series())
153impl<T> ChunkedArray<T>
155 T: PolarsNumericType,
157 fn cast_impl(&self, dtype: &DataType, options: CastOptions) -> PolarsResult<Series> {
158 if self.dtype() == dtype {
159 let mut out = unsafe {
161 Series::from_chunks_and_dtype_unchecked(
162 self.name().clone(),
163 self.chunks.clone(),
164 dtype,
165 )
166 };
167 out.set_sorted_flag(self.is_sorted_flag());
168 return Ok(out);
169 }
170 match dtype {
171 #[cfg(feature = "dtype-categorical")]
172 DataType::Categorical(_, ordering) => {
173 polars_ensure!(
174 self.dtype() == &DataType::UInt32,
175 ComputeError: "cannot cast numeric types to 'Categorical'"
176 );
177 let ca = unsafe { &*(self as *const ChunkedArray<T> as *const UInt32Chunked) };
181 CategoricalChunked::from_global_indices(ca.clone(), *ordering)
182 .map(|ca| ca.into_series())
183 },
184 #[cfg(feature = "dtype-categorical")]
185 DataType::Enum(rev_map, ordering) => {
186 let ca = match self.dtype() {
187 DataType::UInt32 => {
188 unsafe { &*(self as *const ChunkedArray<T> as *const UInt32Chunked) }
190 .clone()
191 },
192 dt if dt.is_integer() => self
193 .cast_with_options(self.dtype(), options)?
194 .strict_cast(&DataType::UInt32)?
195 .u32()?
196 .clone(),
197 _ => {
198 polars_bail!(ComputeError: "cannot cast non integer types to 'Enum'")
199 },
200 };
201 let Some(rev_map) = rev_map else {
202 polars_bail!(ComputeError: "cannot cast to Enum without categories");
203 };
204 let categories = rev_map.get_categories();
205 if let Some(m) = ChunkAgg::max(&ca) {
207 if m >= categories.len() as u32 {
208 polars_bail!(OutOfBounds: "index {} is bigger than the number of categories {}",m,categories.len());
209 }
210 }
211 unsafe {
213 Ok(CategoricalChunked::from_cats_and_rev_map_unchecked(
214 ca.clone(),
215 rev_map.clone(),
216 true,
217 *ordering,
218 )
219 .into_series())
220 }
221 },
222 #[cfg(feature = "dtype-struct")]
223 DataType::Struct(fields) => {
224 cast_single_to_struct(self.name().clone(), &self.chunks, fields, options)
225 },
226 _ => cast_impl_inner(self.name().clone(), &self.chunks, dtype, options).map(|mut s| {
227 let to_signed = dtype.is_signed_integer();
232 let unsigned2unsigned =
233 self.dtype().is_unsigned_integer() && dtype.is_unsigned_integer();
234 let allowed = to_signed || unsigned2unsigned;
236 if (allowed)
237 && (s.null_count() == self.null_count())
238 || (self.dtype().to_physical() == dtype.to_physical())
240 {
241 let is_sorted = self.is_sorted_flag();
242 s.set_sorted_flag(is_sorted)
243 }
244 s
245 }),
246 }
247 }
250impl<T> ChunkCast for ChunkedArray<T>
252 T: PolarsNumericType,
254 fn cast_with_options(&self, dtype: &DataType, options: CastOptions) -> PolarsResult<Series> {
255 self.cast_impl(dtype, options)
256 }
258 unsafe fn cast_unchecked(&self, dtype: &DataType) -> PolarsResult<Series> {
259 match dtype {
260 #[cfg(feature = "dtype-categorical")]
261 DataType::Categorical(Some(rev_map), ordering)
262 | DataType::Enum(Some(rev_map), ordering) => {
263 if self.dtype() == &DataType::UInt32 {
264 let ca = unsafe { &*(self as *const ChunkedArray<T> as *const UInt32Chunked) };
267 Ok(unsafe {
268 CategoricalChunked::from_cats_and_rev_map_unchecked(
269 ca.clone(),
270 rev_map.clone(),
271 matches!(dtype, DataType::Enum(_, _)),
272 *ordering,
273 )
274 }
275 .into_series())
276 } else {
277 polars_bail!(ComputeError: "cannot cast numeric types to 'Categorical'");
278 }
279 },
280 _ => self.cast_impl(dtype, CastOptions::Overflowing),
281 }
282 }
285impl ChunkCast for StringChunked {
286 fn cast_with_options(&self, dtype: &DataType, options: CastOptions) -> PolarsResult<Series> {
287 match dtype {
288 #[cfg(feature = "dtype-categorical")]
289 DataType::Categorical(rev_map, ordering) => match rev_map {
290 None => {
291 let iter =
293 unsafe { self.downcast_iter().flatten().trust_my_length(self.len()) };
294 let builder =
295 CategoricalChunkedBuilder::new(self.name().clone(), self.len(), *ordering);
296 let ca = builder.drain_iter_and_finish(iter);
297 Ok(ca.into_series())
298 },
299 Some(_) => {
300 polars_bail!(InvalidOperation: "casting to a categorical with rev map is not allowed");
301 },
302 },
303 #[cfg(feature = "dtype-categorical")]
304 DataType::Enum(rev_map, ordering) => {
305 let Some(rev_map) = rev_map else {
306 polars_bail!(InvalidOperation: "cannot cast / initialize Enum without categories present")
307 };
308 CategoricalChunked::from_string_to_enum(self, rev_map.get_categories(), *ordering)
309 .map(|ca| {
310 let mut s = ca.into_series();
311 s.rename(self.name().clone());
312 s
313 })
314 },
315 #[cfg(feature = "dtype-struct")]
316 DataType::Struct(fields) => {
317 cast_single_to_struct(self.name().clone(), &self.chunks, fields, options)
318 },
319 #[cfg(feature = "dtype-decimal")]
320 DataType::Decimal(precision, scale) => match (precision, scale) {
321 (precision, Some(scale)) => {
322 let chunks = self.downcast_iter().map(|arr| {
323 polars_compute::cast::binview_to_decimal(
324 &arr.to_binview(),
325 *precision,
326 *scale,
327 )
328 .to(ArrowDataType::Int128)
329 });
330 Ok(Int128Chunked::from_chunk_iter(self.name().clone(), chunks)
331 .into_decimal_unchecked(*precision, *scale)
332 .into_series())
333 },
334 (None, None) => self.to_decimal(100),
335 _ => {
336 polars_bail!(ComputeError: "expected 'precision' or 'scale' when casting to Decimal")
337 },
338 },
339 #[cfg(feature = "dtype-date")]
340 DataType::Date => {
341 let result = cast_chunks(&self.chunks, dtype, options)?;
342 let out = Series::try_from((self.name().clone(), result))?;
343 Ok(out)
344 },
345 #[cfg(feature = "dtype-datetime")]
346 DataType::Datetime(time_unit, time_zone) => match time_zone {
347 #[cfg(feature = "timezones")]
348 Some(time_zone) => {
349 validate_time_zone(time_zone)?;
350 let result = cast_chunks(
351 &self.chunks,
352 &Datetime(time_unit.to_owned(), Some(time_zone.clone())),
353 options,
354 )?;
355 Series::try_from((self.name().clone(), result))
356 },
357 _ => {
358 let result =
359 cast_chunks(&self.chunks, &Datetime(time_unit.to_owned(), None), options)?;
360 Series::try_from((self.name().clone(), result))
361 },
362 },
363 _ => cast_impl(self.name().clone(), &self.chunks, dtype, options),
364 }
365 }
367 unsafe fn cast_unchecked(&self, dtype: &DataType) -> PolarsResult<Series> {
368 self.cast_with_options(dtype, CastOptions::Overflowing)
369 }
372impl BinaryChunked {
373 pub unsafe fn to_string_unchecked(&self) -> StringChunked {
376 let chunks = self
377 .downcast_iter()
378 .map(|arr| unsafe { arr.to_utf8view_unchecked() }.boxed())
379 .collect();
380 let field = Arc::new(Field::new(self.name().clone(), DataType::String));
382 let mut ca = StringChunked::new_with_compute_len(field, chunks);
384 use StatisticsFlags as F;
385 ca.retain_flags_from(self, F::IS_SORTED_ANY | F::CAN_FAST_EXPLODE_LIST);
386 ca
387 }
390impl StringChunked {
391 pub fn as_binary(&self) -> BinaryChunked {
392 let chunks = self
393 .downcast_iter()
394 .map(|arr| arr.to_binview().boxed())
395 .collect();
396 let field = Arc::new(Field::new(self.name().clone(), DataType::Binary));
398 let mut ca = BinaryChunked::new_with_compute_len(field, chunks);
400 use StatisticsFlags as F;
401 ca.retain_flags_from(self, F::IS_SORTED_ANY | F::CAN_FAST_EXPLODE_LIST);
402 ca
403 }
406impl ChunkCast for BinaryChunked {
407 fn cast_with_options(&self, dtype: &DataType, options: CastOptions) -> PolarsResult<Series> {
408 match dtype {
409 #[cfg(feature = "dtype-struct")]
410 DataType::Struct(fields) => {
411 cast_single_to_struct(self.name().clone(), &self.chunks, fields, options)
412 },
413 _ => cast_impl(self.name().clone(), &self.chunks, dtype, options),
414 }
415 }
417 unsafe fn cast_unchecked(&self, dtype: &DataType) -> PolarsResult<Series> {
418 match dtype {
419 DataType::String => unsafe { Ok(self.to_string_unchecked().into_series()) },
420 _ => self.cast_with_options(dtype, CastOptions::Overflowing),
421 }
422 }
425impl ChunkCast for BinaryOffsetChunked {
426 fn cast_with_options(&self, dtype: &DataType, options: CastOptions) -> PolarsResult<Series> {
427 match dtype {
428 #[cfg(feature = "dtype-struct")]
429 DataType::Struct(fields) => {
430 cast_single_to_struct(self.name().clone(), &self.chunks, fields, options)
431 },
432 _ => cast_impl(self.name().clone(), &self.chunks, dtype, options),
433 }
434 }
436 unsafe fn cast_unchecked(&self, dtype: &DataType) -> PolarsResult<Series> {
437 self.cast_with_options(dtype, CastOptions::Overflowing)
438 }
441impl ChunkCast for BooleanChunked {
442 fn cast_with_options(&self, dtype: &DataType, options: CastOptions) -> PolarsResult<Series> {
443 match dtype {
444 #[cfg(feature = "dtype-struct")]
445 DataType::Struct(fields) => {
446 cast_single_to_struct(self.name().clone(), &self.chunks, fields, options)
447 },
448 #[cfg(feature = "dtype-categorical")]
449 DataType::Categorical(_, _) | DataType::Enum(_, _) => {
450 polars_bail!(InvalidOperation: "cannot cast Boolean to Categorical");
451 },
452 _ => cast_impl(self.name().clone(), &self.chunks, dtype, options),
453 }
454 }
456 unsafe fn cast_unchecked(&self, dtype: &DataType) -> PolarsResult<Series> {
457 self.cast_with_options(dtype, CastOptions::Overflowing)
458 }
461impl ChunkCast for ListChunked {
464 fn cast_with_options(&self, dtype: &DataType, options: CastOptions) -> PolarsResult<Series> {
465 use DataType::*;
466 match dtype {
467 List(child_type) => {
468 match (self.inner_dtype(), &**child_type) {
469 (old, new) if old == new => Ok(self.clone().into_series()),
470 #[cfg(feature = "dtype-categorical")]
471 (dt, Categorical(None, _) | Enum(_, _))
472 if !matches!(dt, Categorical(_, _) | Enum(_, _) | String | Null) =>
473 {
474 polars_bail!(InvalidOperation: "cannot cast List inner type: '{:?}' to Categorical", dt)
475 },
476 _ => {
477 let (arr, child_type) = cast_list(self, child_type, options)?;
479 unsafe {
482 Ok(Series::from_chunks_and_dtype_unchecked(
483 self.name().clone(),
484 vec![arr],
485 &List(Box::new(child_type)),
486 ))
487 }
488 },
489 }
490 },
491 #[cfg(feature = "dtype-array")]
492 Array(child_type, width) => {
493 let physical_type = dtype.to_physical();
495 #[cfg(feature = "dtype-categorical")]
497 polars_ensure!(!matches!(&**child_type, Categorical(_, _)), InvalidOperation: "array of categorical is not yet supported");
499 let chunks = cast_chunks(self.chunks(), &physical_type, options)?;
501 unsafe {
504 Ok(Series::from_chunks_and_dtype_unchecked(
505 self.name().clone(),
506 chunks,
507 &Array(child_type.clone(), *width),
508 ))
509 }
510 },
511 _ => {
512 polars_bail!(
513 InvalidOperation: "cannot cast List type (inner: '{:?}', to: '{:?}')",
514 self.inner_dtype(),
515 dtype,
516 )
517 },
518 }
519 }
521 unsafe fn cast_unchecked(&self, dtype: &DataType) -> PolarsResult<Series> {
522 use DataType::*;
523 match dtype {
524 List(child_type) => cast_list_unchecked(self, child_type),
525 _ => self.cast_with_options(dtype, CastOptions::Overflowing),
526 }
527 }
530#[cfg(feature = "dtype-array")]
533impl ChunkCast for ArrayChunked {
534 fn cast_with_options(&self, dtype: &DataType, options: CastOptions) -> PolarsResult<Series> {
535 use DataType::*;
536 match dtype {
537 Array(child_type, width) => {
538 polars_ensure!(
539 *width == self.width(),
540 InvalidOperation: "cannot cast Array to a different width"
541 );
543 match (self.inner_dtype(), &**child_type) {
544 (old, new) if old == new => Ok(self.clone().into_series()),
545 #[cfg(feature = "dtype-categorical")]
546 (dt, Categorical(None, _) | Enum(_, _)) if !matches!(dt, String) => {
547 polars_bail!(InvalidOperation: "cannot cast Array inner type: '{:?}' to dtype: {:?}", dt, child_type)
548 },
549 _ => {
550 let (arr, child_type) = cast_fixed_size_list(self, child_type, options)?;
552 unsafe {
555 Ok(Series::from_chunks_and_dtype_unchecked(
556 self.name().clone(),
557 vec![arr],
558 &Array(Box::new(child_type), *width),
559 ))
560 }
561 },
562 }
563 },
564 List(child_type) => {
565 let physical_type = dtype.to_physical();
566 let chunks = cast_chunks(self.chunks(), &physical_type, options)?;
568 unsafe {
571 Ok(Series::from_chunks_and_dtype_unchecked(
572 self.name().clone(),
573 chunks,
574 &List(child_type.clone()),
575 ))
576 }
577 },
578 _ => {
579 polars_bail!(
580 InvalidOperation: "cannot cast Array type (inner: '{:?}', to: '{:?}')",
581 self.inner_dtype(),
582 dtype,
583 )
584 },
585 }
586 }
588 unsafe fn cast_unchecked(&self, dtype: &DataType) -> PolarsResult<Series> {
589 self.cast_with_options(dtype, CastOptions::Overflowing)
590 }
593fn cast_list(
596 ca: &ListChunked,
597 child_type: &DataType,
598 options: CastOptions,
599) -> PolarsResult<(ArrayRef, DataType)> {
600 let ca = ca.rechunk();
603 let arr = ca.downcast_as_array();
604 let s = unsafe {
606 Series::from_chunks_and_dtype_unchecked(
607 PlSmallStr::EMPTY,
608 vec![arr.values().clone()],
609 ca.inner_dtype(),
610 )
611 };
612 let new_inner = s.cast_with_options(child_type, options)?;
614 let inner_dtype = new_inner.dtype().clone();
615 debug_assert_eq!(&inner_dtype, child_type);
617 let new_values = new_inner.array_ref(0).clone();
619 let dtype = ListArray::<i64>::default_datatype(new_values.dtype().clone());
620 let new_arr = ListArray::<i64>::new(
621 dtype,
622 arr.offsets().clone(),
623 new_values,
624 arr.validity().cloned(),
625 );
626 Ok((new_arr.boxed(), inner_dtype))
629unsafe fn cast_list_unchecked(ca: &ListChunked, child_type: &DataType) -> PolarsResult<Series> {
630 let ca = ca.rechunk();
632 let arr = ca.downcast_as_array();
633 let s = unsafe {
635 Series::from_chunks_and_dtype_unchecked(
636 PlSmallStr::EMPTY,
637 vec![arr.values().clone()],
638 ca.inner_dtype(),
639 )
640 };
641 let new_inner = s.cast_unchecked(child_type)?;
642 let new_values = new_inner.array_ref(0).clone();
644 let dtype = ListArray::<i64>::default_datatype(new_values.dtype().clone());
645 let new_arr = ListArray::<i64>::new(
646 dtype,
647 arr.offsets().clone(),
648 new_values,
649 arr.validity().cloned(),
650 );
651 Ok(ListChunked::from_chunks_and_dtype_unchecked(
652 ca.name().clone(),
653 vec![Box::new(new_arr)],
654 DataType::List(Box::new(child_type.clone())),
655 )
656 .into_series())
659#[cfg(feature = "dtype-array")]
662fn cast_fixed_size_list(
663 ca: &ArrayChunked,
664 child_type: &DataType,
665 options: CastOptions,
666) -> PolarsResult<(ArrayRef, DataType)> {
667 let ca = ca.rechunk();
668 let arr = ca.downcast_as_array();
669 let s = unsafe {
671 Series::from_chunks_and_dtype_unchecked(
672 PlSmallStr::EMPTY,
673 vec![arr.values().clone()],
674 ca.inner_dtype(),
675 )
676 };
677 let new_inner = s.cast_with_options(child_type, options)?;
679 let inner_dtype = new_inner.dtype().clone();
680 debug_assert_eq!(&inner_dtype, child_type);
682 let new_values = new_inner.array_ref(0).clone();
684 let dtype = FixedSizeListArray::default_datatype(new_values.dtype().clone(), ca.width());
685 let new_arr = FixedSizeListArray::new(dtype, ca.len(), new_values, arr.validity().cloned());
686 Ok((Box::new(new_arr), inner_dtype))
690mod test {
691 use crate::chunked_array::cast::CastOptions;
692 use crate::prelude::*;
694 #[test]
695 fn test_cast_list() -> PolarsResult<()> {
696 let mut builder = ListPrimitiveChunkedBuilder::<Int32Type>::new(
697 PlSmallStr::from_static("a"),
698 10,
699 10,
700 DataType::Int32,
701 );
702 builder.append_opt_slice(Some(&[1i32, 2, 3]));
703 builder.append_opt_slice(Some(&[1i32, 2, 3]));
704 let ca = builder.finish();
706 let new = ca.cast_with_options(
707 &DataType::List(DataType::Float64.into()),
708 CastOptions::Strict,
709 )?;
711 assert_eq!(new.dtype(), &DataType::List(DataType::Float64.into()));
712 Ok(())
713 }
715 #[test]
716 #[cfg(feature = "dtype-categorical")]
717 fn test_cast_noop() {
718 let ca = StringChunked::new(PlSmallStr::from_static("foo"), &["bar", "ham"]);
720 let out = ca
721 .cast_with_options(
722 &DataType::Categorical(None, Default::default()),
723 CastOptions::Strict,
724 )
725 .unwrap();
726 let out = out
727 .cast(&DataType::Categorical(None, Default::default()))
728 .unwrap();
729 assert!(matches!(out.dtype(), &DataType::Categorical(_, _)))
730 }