
index_column: IntoExpr,
period: str | timedelta,
offset: str | timedelta | None = None,
closed: ClosedInterval = 'right',
by: IntoExpr | Iterable[IntoExpr] | None = None,
check_sorted: bool | None = None,
) RollingGroupBy[source]#

Create rolling groups based on a time, Int32, or Int64 column.

Deprecated since version 0.19.9: This method has been renamed to DataFrame.rolling().


Column used to group based on the time window. Often of type Date/Datetime. This column must be sorted in ascending order (or, if by is specified, then it must be sorted in ascending order within each group).

In case of a rolling group by on indices, dtype needs to be one of {Int32, Int64}. Note that Int32 gets temporarily cast to Int64, so if performance matters use an Int64 column.


length of the window - must be non-negative


offset of the window. Default is -period

closed{‘right’, ‘left’, ‘both’, ‘none’}

Define which sides of the temporal interval are closed (inclusive).


Also group by this column/these columns


Check whether index_column is sorted (or, if by is given, check whether it’s sorted within each group). When the by argument is given, polars can not check sortedness by the metadata and has to do a full scan on the index column to verify data is sorted. This is expensive. If you are sure the data within the groups is sorted, you can set this to False. Doing so incorrectly will lead to incorrect output