
target: str | Path | deltalake.DeltaTable,
mode: Literal['error', 'append', 'overwrite', 'ignore', 'merge'] = 'error',
overwrite_schema: bool | None = None,
storage_options: dict[str, str] | None = None,
delta_write_options: dict[str, Any] | None = None,
delta_merge_options: dict[str, Any] | None = None,
) deltalake.table.TableMerger | None[source]#

Write DataFrame as delta table.


URI of a table or a DeltaTable object.

mode{‘error’, ‘append’, ‘overwrite’, ‘ignore’, ‘merge’}

How to handle existing data.

  • If ‘error’, throw an error if the table already exists (default).

  • If ‘append’, will add new data.

  • If ‘overwrite’, will replace table with new data.

  • If ‘ignore’, will not write anything if table already exists.

  • If ‘merge’, return a TableMerger object to merge data from the DataFrame with the existing data.


If True, allows updating the schema of the table.

Deprecated since version 0.20.14: Use the parameter delta_write_options instead and pass {"schema_mode": "overwrite"}.


Extra options for the storage backends supported by deltalake. For cloud storages, this may include configurations for authentication etc.

  • See a list of supported storage options for S3 here.

  • See a list of supported storage options for GCS here.

  • See a list of supported storage options for Azure here.


Additional keyword arguments while writing a Delta lake Table. See a list of supported write options here.


Keyword arguments which are required to MERGE a Delta lake Table. See a list of supported merge options here.


If the DataFrame contains unsupported data types.


If the DataFrame contains data types that could not be cast to their primitive type.


If the delta table doesn’t exist and MERGE action is triggered


The Polars data types Null and Time are not supported by the delta protocol specification and will raise a TypeError. Columns using The Categorical data type will be converted to normal (non-categorical) strings when written.

Polars columns are always nullable. To write data to a delta table with non-nullable columns, a custom pyarrow schema has to be passed to the delta_write_options. See the last example below.


Write a dataframe to the local filesystem as a Delta Lake table.

>>> df = pl.DataFrame(
...     {
...         "foo": [1, 2, 3, 4, 5],
...         "bar": [6, 7, 8, 9, 10],
...         "ham": ["a", "b", "c", "d", "e"],
...     }
... )
>>> table_path = "/path/to/delta-table/"
>>> df.write_delta(table_path)  

Append data to an existing Delta Lake table on the local filesystem. Note that this will fail if the schema of the new data does not match the schema of the existing table.

>>> df.write_delta(table_path, mode="append")  

Overwrite a Delta Lake table as a new version. If the schemas of the new and old data are the same, specifying the schema_mode is not required.

>>> existing_table_path = "/path/to/delta-table/"
>>> df.write_delta(
...     existing_table_path,
...     mode="overwrite",
...     delta_write_options={"schema_mode": "overwrite"},
... )  

Write a DataFrame as a Delta Lake table to a cloud object store like S3.

>>> table_path = "s3://bucket/prefix/to/delta-table/"
>>> df.write_delta(
...     table_path,
...     storage_options={
...         "AWS_REGION": "THE_AWS_REGION",
...     },
... )  

Write DataFrame as a Delta Lake table with non-nullable columns.

>>> import pyarrow as pa
>>> existing_table_path = "/path/to/delta-table/"
>>> df.write_delta(
...     existing_table_path,
...     delta_write_options={
...         "schema": pa.schema([pa.field("foo", pa.int64(), nullable=False)])
...     },
... )  

Merge the DataFrame with an existing Delta Lake table. For all TableMerger methods, check the deltalake docs here.

>>> df = pl.DataFrame(
...     {
...         "foo": [1, 2, 3, 4, 5],
...         "bar": [6, 7, 8, 9, 10],
...         "ham": ["a", "b", "c", "d", "e"],
...     }
... )
>>> table_path = "/path/to/delta-table/"
>>> (
...     df.write_delta(
...         "table_path",
...         mode="merge",
...         delta_merge_options={
...             "predicate": "s.foo = t.foo",
...             "source_alias": "s",
...             "target_alias": "t",
...         },
...     )
...     .when_matched_update_all()
...     .when_not_matched_insert_all()
...     .execute()
... )