
other: DataFrame,
key: str,
) DataFrame[source]#

Take two sorted DataFrames and merge them by the sorted key.

The output of this operation will also be sorted. It is the callers responsibility that the frames are sorted by that key otherwise the output will not make sense.

The schemas of both DataFrames must be equal.


Other DataFrame that must be merged


Key that is sorted.


>>> df0 = pl.DataFrame(
...     {"name": ["steve", "elise", "bob"], "age": [42, 44, 18]}
... ).sort("age")
>>> df0
shape: (3, 2)
│ name  ┆ age │
│ ---   ┆ --- │
│ str   ┆ i64 │
│ bob   ┆ 18  │
│ steve ┆ 42  │
│ elise ┆ 44  │
>>> df1 = pl.DataFrame(
...     {"name": ["anna", "megan", "steve", "thomas"], "age": [21, 33, 42, 20]}
... ).sort("age")
>>> df1
shape: (4, 2)
│ name   ┆ age │
│ ---    ┆ --- │
│ str    ┆ i64 │
│ thomas ┆ 20  │
│ anna   ┆ 21  │
│ megan  ┆ 33  │
│ steve  ┆ 42  │
>>> df0.merge_sorted(df1, key="age")
shape: (7, 2)
│ name   ┆ age │
│ ---    ┆ --- │
│ str    ┆ i64 │
│ bob    ┆ 18  │
│ thomas ┆ 20  │
│ anna   ┆ 21  │
│ megan  ┆ 33  │
│ steve  ┆ 42  │
│ steve  ┆ 42  │
│ elise  ┆ 44  │