
Expr.str.splitn(by: str, n: int) Expr[source]#

Split the string by a substring, restricted to returning at most n items.

If the number of possible splits is less than n-1, the remaining field elements will be null. If the number of possible splits is n-1 or greater, the last (nth) substring will contain the remainder of the string.


Substring to split by.


Max number of items to return.


Expression of data type Struct with fields of data type Utf8.


>>> df = pl.DataFrame({"s": ["foo bar", None, "foo-bar", "foo bar baz"]})
>>> df.select(pl.col("s").str.splitn(" ", 2).alias("fields"))
shape: (4, 1)
│ fields            │
│ ---               │
│ struct[2]         │
│ {"foo","bar"}     │
│ {null,null}       │
│ {"foo-bar",null}  │
│ {"foo","bar baz"} │

Split string values in column s in exactly 2 parts and assign each part to a new column.

>>> df.with_columns(
...     [
...         pl.col("s")
...         .str.splitn(" ", 2)
...         .struct.rename_fields(["first_part", "second_part"])
...         .alias("fields"),
...     ]
... ).unnest("fields")
shape: (4, 3)
│ s           ┆ first_part ┆ second_part │
│ ---         ┆ ---        ┆ ---         │
│ str         ┆ str        ┆ str         │
│ foo bar     ┆ foo        ┆ bar         │
│ null        ┆ null       ┆ null        │
│ foo-bar     ┆ foo-bar    ┆ null        │
│ foo bar baz ┆ foo        ┆ bar baz     │