Exception raised the underlying Arrow library encounters an error. |
Exception raised when a specified column is not found. |
Exception raised when polars could not finish the computation. |
Exception raised when a column name is duplicated. |
Exception raised when an operation is not allowed on a certain data type. |
Exception raised when an operation can not be performed on an empty data structure. |
Exception raised when no rows are returned, but at least one row is expected. |
Exception raised when an unexpected state causes a panic in the underlying Rust library. |
Exception raised when the number of returned rows does not match expectation. |
Exception raised when trying to combine data structures with mismatched schemas. |
Exception raised when a specified schema field is not found. |
Exception raised when trying to combine data structures with incompatible shapes. |
Exception raised when a specified schema field is not found. |
Exception raised when more rows than expected are returned. |