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Query plan

For any lazy query Polars has both:

  • a non-optimized plan with the set of steps code as we provided it and
  • an optimized plan with changes made by the query optimizer

We can understand both the non-optimized and optimized query plans with visualization and by printing them as text.

Below we consider the following query:

q1 = (
    .filter(pl.col("comment_karma") > 0)

Non-optimized query plan

Graphviz visualization

To create visualizations of the query plan, Graphviz should be installed and added to your PATH.

First we visualize the non-optimized plan by setting optimized=False.



The query plan visualization should be read from bottom to top. In the visualization:

  • each box corresponds to a stage in the query plan
  • the sigma stands for SELECTION and indicates any filter conditions
  • the pi stands for PROJECTION and indicates choosing a subset of columns

Printed query plan

We can also print the non-optimized plan with explain(optimized=False)



FILTER [(col("comment_karma")) > (0)] FROM WITH_COLUMNS:

    CSV SCAN data/reddit.csv

The printed plan should also be read from bottom to top. This non-optimized plan is roughly equal to:

  • read from the data/reddit.csv file
  • read all 6 columns (where the * wildcard in PROJECT */6 COLUMNS means take all columns)
  • transform the name column to uppercase
  • apply a filter on the comment_karma column

Optimized query plan

Now we visualize the optimized plan with show_graph.



We can also print the optimized plan with explain




    CSV SCAN data/reddit.csv
    SELECTION: [(col("comment_karma")) > (0)]

The optimized plan is to:

  • read the data from the Reddit CSV
  • apply the filter on the comment_karma column while the CSV is being read line-by-line
  • transform the name column to uppercase

In this case the query optimizer has identified that the filter can be applied while the CSV is read from disk rather than reading the whole file into memory and then applying the filter. This optimization is called Predicate Pushdown.