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Interactive or batch mode

In Polars Cloud, a user can define two types of compute modes: batch & interactive. Batch mode is designed for batch job style queries. These kinds of queries are typically scheduled and run once in a certain period. Interactive mode allows for exploratory workflows where a user interacts with the dataset and requires more compute resources than are locally available.

The rest of this page will give examples on how to set up one or the other. More information on the architectural differences and implications can be found on the infrastructure page.

Below we create a simple dataframe to use as an example to demonstrate the difference between both modes.

import polars as pl
import polars_cloud as pc
import datetime as dt

lf = pl.LazyFrame(
        "name": ["Alice Archer", "Ben Brown", "Chloe Cooper", "Daniel Donovan"],
        "birthdate": [
  , 1, 10),
  , 2, 15),
  , 3, 22),
  , 4, 30),
        "weight": [57.9, 72.5, 53.6, 83.1],  # (kg)
        "height": [1.56, 1.77, 1.65, 1.75],  # (m)


Batch workflows are systematic data processing pipelines, written for scheduled execution. They typically process large volumes of data in scheduled intervals (e.g. hourly, daily, etc.). A key characteristic is that the executed job has a defined lifetime. A predefined compute instance should spin up at a certain time and shut down when the job is executed.

Polars Cloud makes it easy to run your query at scale whenever your use case requires it. You can develop your query on your local machine and define a compute context and destination to execute it in your cloud environment.


ctx = pc.ComputeContext(workspace="your-workspace", cpus=24, memory=64)

lf =
    (pl.col("weight") / (pl.col("height") ** 2)).alias("bmi"),


The query you execute in batch mode runs in your cloud environment. The data and results of the query are not sent to Polars Cloud, ensuring that your data and output remain secure.



Polars Cloud also supports interactive workflows. Different from batch mode, results are being interactively updated. Polars Cloud will not automatically close the cluster when a result has been produced, but the cluster stays active and intermediate state can still be accessed. In interactive mode you directly communicate with the compute nodes.

Because this mode is used for exploratory use cases and short feedback cycles, the queries are not logged to Polars Cloud and will not be available for later inspection.


ctx = pc.ComputeContext(
    workspace="your-workspace", cpus=24, memory=64, interactive=True

lf =
    (pl.col("weight") / (pl.col("height") ** 2)).alias("bmi"),

res1 = lf.remote(ctx).collect().await_result()

The initial query remains the same. In the compute context the parameter interactive should be set to True.

When calling .collect() on your remote query execution, the output is written to a temporary location. These intermediate result files are automatically deleted after several hours. You can see the location of this folder when printing the query results.

Users can call .lazy() on the result and continue working with the previous result.

total_stages: 1
finished_stages: 1
total_rows: 4
location: ['s3://polars-cloud-<workspace_id>/query_outputs/<query_id>/<random id>.parquet']
│ name           ┆ birth_year ┆ bmi       │
│ ---            ┆ ---        ┆ ---       │
│ str            ┆ i32        ┆ f64       │
│ Chloe Cooper   ┆ 1983       ┆ 19.687787 │
│ Ben Brown      ┆ 1985       ┆ 23.141498 │
│ Alice Archer   ┆ 1997       ┆ 23.791913 │
│ Daniel Donovan ┆ 1981       ┆ 27.134694 │

To continue your query we can read the result to a new LazyFrame and continue your exploration.

res2 = (
        pl.col("birth_year").is_in([1983, 1985]),
total_stages: 1
finished_stages: 1
total_rows: 2
location: ['s3://polars-cloud-<workspace_id>/query_outputs/<query_id>/<random id>.parquet']
│ name         ┆ birth_year ┆ bmi       │
│ ---          ┆ ---        ┆ ---       │
│ str          ┆ i32        ┆ f64       │
│ Chloe Cooper ┆ 1983       ┆ 19.687787 │
│ Ben Brown    ┆ 1985       ┆ 23.141498 │