
Module functions

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Function on multiple expressions.



  • Selects all columns. Shorthand for col("*").
  • Create a new column with the bitwise-and of the elements in each row.
  • Create a new column with the bitwise-or of the elements in each row.
  • Like map_binary, but used in a group_by-aggregation context.
  • Generate a range of integers.
  • Find the indexes that would sort these series in order of appearance.
  • arg_wherearg_where
    Get the indices where condition evaluates true.
  • Take several expressions and collect them into a StructChunked.
  • Find the mean of all the values in the column named name. Alias for mean.
  • Casts the column given by Expr to a different type.
  • Folds the expressions from left to right keeping the first non-null values.
  • Create a Column Expression based on a column name.
  • Collect all LazyFrame computations.
  • Select multiple columns by name.
  • Concat multiple LazyFrames vertically.
  • Horizontally concatenate columns into a single array-type column.
  • concat_lf_diagonaldiagonal_concat
    Concat LazyFrames diagonally. Calls concat internally.
  • Concat LazyFrames horizontally.
  • Concat lists entries.
  • concat_strconcat_str and strings
    Horizontally concat string columns in linear time
  • Compute the covariance between two columns.
  • cum_fold_exprsdtype-struct
    Accumulate over multiple columns horizontally / row wise.
  • cum_reduce_exprsdtype-struct
    Accumulate over multiple columns horizontally / row wise.
  • date_rangetemporal
    Create a date range from a start and stop expression.
  • date_rangestemporal
    Create a column of date ranges from a start and stop expression.
  • Construct a column of Datetime from the provided DatetimeArgs.
  • datetime_rangedtype-datetime
    Create a datetime range from a start and stop expression.
  • datetime_rangesdtype-datetime
    Create a column of datetime ranges from a start and stop expression.
  • Select multiple columns by dtype.
  • Select multiple columns by dtype.
  • Construct a column of Duration from the provided DurationArgs
  • Accumulate over multiple columns horizontally / row wise.
  • format_strconcat_str and strings
    Format the results of an array of expressions using a format string
  • Select multiple columns by index.
  • Generate a range of integers.
  • Generate a range of integers for each row of the input columns.
  • A column which is false wherever expr is null, true elsewhere.
  • A column which is true wherever expr is null, false elsewhere.
  • Generate a series of equally-spaced points.
  • Create a column of linearly-spaced sequences from ‘start’, ‘end’, and ‘num_samples’ expressions.
  • Apply a closure on the two columns that are evaluated from Expr a and Expr b.
  • Find the maximum of all the values in the column named name. Shorthand for col(name).max().
  • Find the mean of all the values in the column named name. Shorthand for col(name).mean().
  • Find the median of all the values in the column named name. Shorthand for col(name).median().
  • Find the minimum of all the values in the column named name. Shorthand for col(name).min().
  • Negates a boolean column.
  • Compute the pearson correlation between two columns.
  • Find a specific quantile of all the values in the column named name.
  • Analogous to Iterator::reduce.
  • Create a column of length n containing n copies of the literal value.
  • rolling_corrrolling_window and cov
  • rolling_covrolling_window and cov
  • spearman_rank_corrrank and propagate_nans
    Compute the spearman rank correlation between two columns. Missing data will be excluded from the computation.
  • Sum all the values in the column named name. Shorthand for col(name).sum().
  • time_rangedtype-time
    Generate a time range.
  • time_rangesdtype-time
    Create a column of time ranges from a start and stop expression.