Trait polars_core::chunked_array::ops::ChunkAnyValue

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pub trait ChunkAnyValue {
    // Required methods
    unsafe fn get_any_value_unchecked(&self, index: usize) -> AnyValue<'_>;
    fn get_any_value(&self, index: usize) -> PolarsResult<AnyValue<'_>>;

Required Methods§


unsafe fn get_any_value_unchecked(&self, index: usize) -> AnyValue<'_>

Get a single value. Beware this is slow. If you need to use this slightly performant, cast Categorical to UInt32


Does not do any bounds checking.


fn get_any_value(&self, index: usize) -> PolarsResult<AnyValue<'_>>

Get a single value. Beware this is slow.
