Function polars::chunked_array::ops::arity::binary_mut_values

source ยท
pub fn binary_mut_values<T, U, V, F, Arr>(
    lhs: &ChunkedArray<T>,
    rhs: &ChunkedArray<U>,
    op: F,
    name: &str
) -> ChunkedArray<V>
where T: PolarsDataType, U: PolarsDataType, V: PolarsDataType<Array = Arr>, Arr: Array + StaticArray, F: FnMut(&<T as PolarsDataType>::Array, &<U as PolarsDataType>::Array) -> Arr,
Expand description

Applies a kernel that produces Array types.

Intended for kernels that apply on values, this function will filter out any results which do not have two non-null inputs.